Senators' Landing Pages
Each senator offers a page where the public can find his or her contact information, committee assignments and news releases. Senators' pages also contain his or her biography, district map, photos and information about bills the senator introduced. Click on a senator's name below to access his or her page or find your senator.
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Andersen, Bob49
Arch, John14
Armendariz, Christy18
Ballard, Beau21
Bosn, Carolyn25
Bostar, Eliot29
Brandt, Tom32
Cavanaugh, John9
Cavanaugh, Machaela6
Clements, Robert2
Clouse, Stan37
Conrad, Danielle46
DeBoer, Wendy10
DeKay, Barry40
Dorn, Myron30
Dover, Robert19
Dungan, George26
Fredrickson, John20
Guereca, Dunixi7
Hallstrom, Bob1
Hansen, Ben16
Hardin, Brian48
Holdcroft, Rick36
Hughes, Jana24
Hunt, Megan8
Ibach, Teresa44
Jacobson, Mike42
Juarez, Margo5
Kauth, Kathleen31
Lippincott, Loren34
Lonowski, Dan33
McKeon, Dan41
McKinney, Terrell11
Meyer, Glen17
Moser, Mike22
Murman, Dave38
Prokop, Jason27
Quick, Dan35
Raybould, Jane28
Riepe, Merv12
Rountree, Victor3
Sanders, Rita45
Sorrentino, Tony39
Spivey, Ashlei13
Storer, Tanya43
Storm, Jared23
Strommen, Paul47
von Gillern, R. Brad4
Wordekemper, Dave15
Hallstrom, Bob1
Clements, Robert2
Rountree, Victor3
von Gillern, R. Brad4
Juarez, Margo5
Cavanaugh, Machaela6
Guereca, Dunixi7
Hunt, Megan8
Cavanaugh, John9
DeBoer, Wendy10
McKinney, Terrell11
Riepe, Merv12
Spivey, Ashlei13
Arch, John14
Wordekemper, Dave15
Hansen, Ben16
Meyer, Glen17
Armendariz, Christy18
Dover, Robert19
Fredrickson, John20
Ballard, Beau21
Moser, Mike22
Storm, Jared23
Hughes, Jana24
Bosn, Carolyn25
Dungan, George26
Prokop, Jason27
Raybould, Jane28
Bostar, Eliot29
Dorn, Myron30
Kauth, Kathleen31
Brandt, Tom32
Lonowski, Dan33
Lippincott, Loren34
Quick, Dan35
Holdcroft, Rick36
Clouse, Stan37
Murman, Dave38
Sorrentino, Tony39
DeKay, Barry40
McKeon, Dan41
Jacobson, Mike42
Storer, Tanya43
Ibach, Teresa44
Sanders, Rita45
Conrad, Danielle46
Strommen, Paul47
Hardin, Brian48
Andersen, Bob49