Sen. Jason Prokop

District 27
Room 1118
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2632
Committee Assignments
  • Appropriations
  • Justice Reinvestment Oversight (LB605)


Elected to Nebraska Legislature: 2024

Born Jan. 24, 1982, in Lincoln.

Education: Graduate of Crete High School, 2000; Nebraska Wesleyan University (B.S. in political science and communication studies), 2004.

Family: Married Jennifer, Aug. 30, 2013; two children: Eleanor and Everett.

Occupation: Nonprofit executive

Former: External affairs manager, Nebraska Department of Transportation; chief of staff, National Association of Insurance Commissioners; legislative director, legislative assistant, senior aide and staff assistant to U.S. Sen. Benjamin Nelson.

Member: Kiwanis Club of Lincoln; board, Educare Lincoln.