Sen. Myron Dorn

District 30
Room 1208
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2620
Committee Assignments
  • Appropriations
  • Reference
  • Building Maintenance
  • Executive Board
  • Legislative Performance Audit


Elected to Nebraska Legislature: 2018; re-elected 2022

Born Oct. 23, 1954, in Beatrice.

Education: Graduate of Adams High School, 1972; University of Nebraska-Lincoln (B.S.), 1976.

Family: Married Julie Salomons, Dec. 1, 1979; two children: Kyle and Erin.

Occupation: Farmer

Member: EMT, Adams Rescue Squad, 1986-present; council, American Lutheran Church of Adams; Nebraska Farm Bureau; Nebraska Farmers Union; Nebraska Cattlemen; Nebraska Soybean Association; Nebraska Corn Growers Association.

Former member: Gage County Board, 2010-18 (chairman); board, Firth Coop; board, Dorchester Coop.