2025 Priority Bill Listing
Final Date For Priority Submissions: March 14, 2025
Senator Priority Bills
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Priority |
Document Number |
Primary Introducer |
Status | Description |
Senator Arch | LB298 | Senator Arch | Referral | Provide for the Division of Legislative Oversight, the Director of Legislative Oversight, and the Legislative Oversight Committee and change provisions relating to the Public Counsel, the office of Inspector General of Nebraska Child Welfare, and the office of Inspector General of the Nebraska Correctional System |
Senator Clouse | LB322 | Senator Clouse | Referral | Prohibit assault on a pharmacist and clarify provisions relating to assault on officers, emergency responders, certain employees, and health care professionals |
Senator Kauth | LB89 | Senator Kauth | Referral | Adopt the Stand With Women Act |
Senator Lippincott | LB3 | Senator Lippincott | Referral | Change provisions relating to selection of presidential electors |
Senator Raybould | LB258 | Senator Raybould | General File | Change provisions relating to the minimum wage under the Wage and Hour Act |
Committee Priority Bills
Priority |
Document Number |
Primary Introducer |
Status | Description |
Executive Board | LR25CA | Senator Hansen | General File | Constitutional amendment to change the compensation of members of the Legislature and provide for health insurance |
Health and Human Services Committee | LB376 | Health and Human Services Committee | General File | Change and eliminate programs and services administered by the Department of Health and Human Services and eliminate various reporting requirements |
Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee | LB295 | Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee | General File | Change provisions relating to the County Employees Retirement Act, the Judges Retirement Act, the Nebraska State Patrol Retirement Act, the School Employees Retirement Act, the State Employees Retirement Act, the Spousal Pension Rights Act, and the Public Employees Retirement Board |
Speaker Priority Bills
No Speaker priority bills found.