Nebraska Revised Statute 32-809

Chapter 32


Statewide primary election; official ballot; form; contents.

(1) The form of the official ballot at the statewide primary election shall be prescribed by the Secretary of State. At the top of the ballot and over all else shall be printed in boldface type the name of the political party, ....... Official Ballot, Primary Election 20.. . Each division containing the names of the office and a list of candidates for such office shall be separated from other groups by a bold line. The ballot shall list at-large candidates and subdistrict candidates under appropriate headings.

(2) All proposals for constitutional amendments and candidates on the nonpartisan ballot shall be submitted on a ballot where bold lines separate one office or issue from another. Proposals for constitutional amendments proposed by the Legislature shall be placed on the ballot as provided in sections 49-201 to 49-211. All constitutional amendments shall be placed on a separate ballot when a paper ballot is used which requires the ballot after being voted to be folded before being deposited in a ballot box. When an optical-scan ballot is used which requires a ballot envelope or sleeve in which the ballot after being voted is placed before being deposited in a ballot box, constitutional amendments may be printed on either side of the ballot and shall be separated from other offices or issues by a bold line. Constitutional amendments so arranged shall constitute a separate ballot.

(3) Except as otherwise provided in section 32-811, the statewide primary election ballot shall contain the name of every candidate filing or recognized under subsection (1) of section 32-606 and sections 32-611, 32-613, and 32-614 and no other names. No name of a candidate for member of the Legislature or an elective office described in Article IV, section 1, of the Constitution of Nebraska shall appear on any ballot or any series of ballots at any primary election more than once. When two or more of the last names of candidates for the same office at the primary election are the same in spelling or sound, the official ballots may, on the request of any such candidate, have his or her address printed immediately below his or her name in capital and lowercase letters in lightface type of the same size as the type in which the name of the candidate is printed.