Nebraska Revised Statutes Chapters

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View Statute 47-101 County jails; regulation; duties and powers of Jail Standards Board.
View Statute 47-101.01 Telephone services for inmates; use of funds.
View Statute 47-101.02 Inmate communications; Jail Standards Board; duties.
View Statute 47-102 Rules; copies; distribution; filing.
View Statute 47-103 Rules; copies; posting in jails.
View Statute 47-104 Rules; revision; copies; distribution; filing.
View Statute 47-105 Rules; enforcement; sheriff; powers and duties.
View Statute 47-105.01 Rules; conformance by sheriff or jail administrator.
View Statute 47-106 Jail register; required entries.
View Statute 47-107 Jail reports; filing.
View Statute 47-108 Grand jury; instructions with respect to jails and discipline; duty of district court.
View Statute 47-109 Jails; inspection; duty of grand juries and county boards; reports.
View Statute 47-110 Jails; equipment; appointment of physician; duties of county board; physician's report.
View Statute 47-111 Female prisoners; matron, deputy, or correctional officer; appointment; salary; oath; reports.
View Statute 47-112 Jail conductor; appointment; salary.
View Statute 47-112.01 Transferred to section 47-119.
View Statute 47-113 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 628, § 9.
View Statute 47-113.01 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 628, § 9.
View Statute 47-114 Jails; administrative visitation.
View Statute 47-115 Jailer; appointment; oath; liability of sheriff.
View Statute 47-116 Jails; sheriff or jailer; neglect of duty; penalty.
View Statute 47-117 Jail, defined.
View Statute 47-118 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 628, § 9.
View Statute 47-119 Repealed. Laws 2009, LB 218, § 14.
View Statute 47-119.01 Repealed. Laws 2009, LB 218, § 14.
View Statute 47-120 Care of prisoners; county board or county board of corrections; sheriff; duties; payment.
View Statute 47-121 Repealed. Laws 2009, LB 218, § 14.
View Statute 47-121.01 Repealed. Laws 2009, LB 218, § 14.
View Statute 47-122 Community work force program; established; activities authorized.
View Statute 47-123 Community service projects; inmate participation; good time; effect.
View Statute 47-124 Community work force program; administration; rules and regulations.
View Statute 47-201 City jails; regulation; duties and powers of Jail Standards Board.
View Statute 47-201.01 Telephone services for inmates; use of funds.
View Statute 47-201.02 Inmate communications; Jail Standards Board; duties.
View Statute 47-202 Rules; copies; distribution; posting.
View Statute 47-203 Rules; amend; copies; distribution; posting.
View Statute 47-204 Jail record; required entries; open for inspection; period maintained.
View Statute 47-205 Jailers; reports; contents; filing.
View Statute 47-206 Jailer; neglect of duty; penalty.
View Statute 47-207 Jail, defined.
View Statute 47-208 City or village prisoners; employment on public improvement projects.
View Statute 47-301 Transferred to section 47-208.
View Statute 47-302 Joint county and city jail; acquisition of land; procedure; bonds; taxes; election; when required.
View Statute 47-303 Joint operation and maintenance.
View Statute 47-304 County jails; construction; acquisition of lands; procedure; bonds; taxes; election; when required.
View Statute 47-305 City jails; construction; acquisition of lands; procedure; bonds.
View Statute 47-306 Joint county and city jails; management; use by one of jail of other; contract.
View Statute 47-307 Joint county and city jails; maintenance; cost; apportionment.
View Statute 47-308 Joint jail or farm; name.
View Statute 47-401 Person sentenced to or confined in a city or county jail; permission to leave; when; sentence served at other facility; house arrest.
View Statute 47-402 Privilege of leaving jail; petition; order of sentencing court; withdrawal of privilege.
View Statute 47-403 Privilege of leaving jail; employment; wages; account; disbursement.
View Statute 47-404 Privilege of leaving jail; prisoner; liable for costs.
View Statute 47-405 Privilege of leaving jail; meals; transportation.
View Statute 47-406 Prisoner's account; disbursement.
View Statute 47-407 Court; arrangements for employment of prisoner; concurrence with another county or city.
View Statute 47-408 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 1155, § 121.
View Statute 47-409 Privilege of leaving jail; violation of jail regulations; effect.
View Statute 47-410 Prisoner; employed or released; not agent, employee, or servant of city, county, or court.
View Statute 47-411 Willful failure of prisoner to comply with court order; deemed an escape from custody.
View Statute 47-501 County board of corrections; sheriff; duty to implement sentence reductions and credits.
View Statute 47-502 Person sentenced to or confined in jail; sentence or sanction reduction.
View Statute 47-503 Credit against jail term.
View Statute 47-601 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 46, § 56.
View Statute 47-602 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 46, § 56.
View Statute 47-603 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 46, § 56.
View Statute 47-604 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 46, § 56.
View Statute 47-605 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 46, § 56.
View Statute 47-606 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 46, § 56.
View Statute 47-607 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 46, § 56.
View Statute 47-608 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 46, § 56.
View Statute 47-609 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 46, § 56.
View Statute 47-610 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 46, § 56.
View Statute 47-611 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 46, § 56.
View Statute 47-612 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 46, § 56.
View Statute 47-613 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 46, § 56.
View Statute 47-614 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 46, § 56.
View Statute 47-615 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 46, § 56.
View Statute 47-616 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 46, § 56.
View Statute 47-617 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 46, § 56.
View Statute 47-618 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 46, § 56.
View Statute 47-619 Act, how cited.
View Statute 47-620 Legislative intent.
View Statute 47-621 Terms, defined.
View Statute 47-622 Community Corrections Division; created.
View Statute 47-623 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 390, § 39.
View Statute 47-624 Division; duties.
View Statute 47-624.01 Division; plan for implementation and funding of reporting centers; duties.
View Statute 47-625 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 390, § 39.
View Statute 47-626 Repealed. Laws 2005, LB 538, § 30.
View Statute 47-627 Uniform crime data analysis system.
View Statute 47-628 Community correctional programming; condition of probation.
View Statute 47-629 Community correctional programming; paroled offenders.
View Statute 47-630 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 390, § 39.
View Statute 47-631 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 390, § 39.
View Statute 47-632 Community Corrections Uniform Data Analysis Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
View Statute 47-633 Fees.
View Statute 47-634 Receipt of funds by local entity; local advisory committee required; plan required.
View Statute 47-635 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 390, § 39.
View Statute 47-636 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 390, § 39.
View Statute 47-637 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 390, § 39.
View Statute 47-638 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 390, § 39.
View Statute 47-639 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 390, § 39.
View Statute 47-701 Medical services, defined; responsibility for payment.
View Statute 47-702 Primary responsibility for payment; reimbursement sources.
View Statute 47-703 Payment by governmental agency; when; notice to provider.
View Statute 47-704 Costs not reimbursable.
View Statute 47-705 Sections; how construed; denial of medical services; damages.
View Statute 47-706 Medical assistance; federal financial participation; legislative intent; Department of Health and Human Services; Department of Correctional Services; duties.
View Statute 47-801 Act, how cited.
View Statute 47-802 Department of Correctional Services; Department of Administrative Services; powers and duties; contractor; duties.
View Statute 47-803 Department of Correctional Services; contractor criteria; contract; requirements.
View Statute 47-804 Site selection criteria.
View Statute 47-805 Restriction on inmates.
View Statute 47-806 County or political subdivision; prohibited acts.
View Statute 47-807 Rules and regulations.
View Statute 47-901 Act, how cited.
View Statute 47-902 Legislative intent.
View Statute 47-903 Terms, defined.
View Statute 47-904 Office of Inspector General of the Nebraska Correctional System; created; Inspector General; appointment; term; qualifications; employees; removal.
View Statute 47-905 Office; duties; law enforcement agencies and prosecuting attorneys; cooperation; confidentiality.
View Statute 47-906 Office; access to information and personnel; investigation.
View Statute 47-907 Complaints to office; form; full investigation; when; notice.
View Statute 47-908 Cooperation with office; when required.
View Statute 47-909 Failure to cooperate; effect.
View Statute 47-910 Inspector General; powers; rights of person required to provide information.
View Statute 47-911 Office; access to records; subpoena; records; statement of record integrity and security; contents; treatment of records.
View Statute 47-912 Reports of investigations; distribution; redact confidential information; powers of office.
View Statute 47-913 Department; provide direct computer access.
View Statute 47-914 Inspector General's report of investigation; contents; distribution.
View Statute 47-915 Report; director; accept, reject, or request modification; when final; written response; corrected report; appended material.
View Statute 47-916 Report or work product; no court review.
View Statute 47-917 Inspector General; investigation of complaints; priority and selection.
View Statute 47-918 Summary of reports and investigations; contents.
View Statute 47-919 Division of Parole Supervision; provide access to records, reports, and documents.
View Statute 47-920 Limitations on personnel action.
View Statute 47-1001 Act, how cited.
View Statute 47-1002 Legislative findings and declarations.
View Statute 47-1003 Terms, defined.
View Statute 47-1004 Detention facility; use of restraints prohibited; exception; detention facility employee; presence in room during labor or childbirth; administrator of detention facility; duties.
View Statute 47-1005 Civil action authorized.
View Statute 47-1006 Rules and regulations.
View Statute 47-1007 Report; contents.
View Statute 47-1008 Detention facility; supply feminine hygiene product.
View Statute 47-1101 Act, how cited.
View Statute 47-1102 Legislative findings and intent; act, purpose.
View Statute 47-1103 Terms, defined.
View Statute 47-1104 Committed offender; placement at community work release and reentry center; when; conditions.
View Statute 47-1105 Division; department; powers and duties; agreements with private providers; requirements.
View Statute 47-1106 Community work release and reentry centers; standards; requirements.
View Statute 47-1107 Individualized release plan; required; release; conditions.
View Statute 47-1108 Individual records; maintenance requirements; periodic reports.
View Statute 47-1109 Assessment of achievements and effectiveness.
View Statute 47-1110 Parole officer; correctional officer; monitor performance; report.
View Statute 47-1111 Community work release and reentry centers; annual review; required visits.
View Statute 47-1112 Committed offender; responsibilities; failure to comply; effect; not an agent, employee, or servant of this state.
View Statute 47-1113 Access to records, documents, and reports.
View Statute 47-1114 Community work release and reentry centers; private providers; bid on agreements to establish; appropriation; legislative intent.
View Statute 47-1115 Reentry housing and services; program; department; powers and duties.
View Statute 47-1116 Reentry housing facilities; investigations and evaluations; cooperation; access to facilities and records; fire safety code and building or construction code inspections; notice of imminent threat; contest findings.
View Statute 47-1117 Reentry Continuity Advisory Board; created; members; duties.
View Statute 47-1118 Reentry Housing Fund; created; use; investment; reentry housing facility; fee.
View Statute 47-1119 Rules and regulations.