Journal Summary for March 18th, 2024

108th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session - Day 45

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Description, or Journal Page.
Document Description Journal Page
LB61 Presented to Governor on March 15, 2024 1093
LB198 Presented to Governor on March 15, 2024 1093
LB304 Presented to Governor on March 15, 2024 1093
LB771 Presented to Governor on March 15, 2024 1093
LB771A Presented to Governor on March 15, 2024 1093
LB844 Presented to Governor on March 15, 2024 1093
LB895 Presented to Governor on March 15, 2024 1093
LB938 Presented to Governor on March 15, 2024 1093
LB1104 Presented to Governor on March 15, 2024 1093
LB137 Enrollment and Review ER72 adopted 1113
LB137 Cavanaugh, M. MO1230 failed 1113
LB137 Bosn MO1269 Withdraw FA231 and substitute AM2828 filed 1113
LB137 Bosn MO1269 pending 1113
LB341 Placed on General File 1113
LB974 Placed on General File 1113
LB52A Lippincott AM3048 filed 1114
LB1096 Placed on General File with AM2741 1114
LB1096 Judiciary AM2741 filed 1114
LB1120 Hardin AM3029 to ER82 filed 1114
LB1413 McKinney AM3069 to AM2698 filed 1114
LB137 Passed over 1116
LB1313 Dover AM3077 filed 1116
LB894 Enrollment and Review ER83 adopted 1117
LB894 Ibach AM2927 adopted 1117
LB894 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1117
LB906 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1117
LB1004 Enrollment and Review ER80 adopted 1117
LB1004 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1117
LB1313 Dover AM3077 adopted 1117
LB1313 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1117
LB358A Placed on Final Reading 1118
LB607 Enrollment and Review ER81 adopted 1118
LB607 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1118
LB685A Placed on Final Reading 1118
LB834 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1118
LB839 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1118
LB857A Placed on Final Reading 1118
LB905A Placed on Final Reading 1118
LB1035A Placed on Final Reading 1118
LB1087A Placed on Final Reading 1118
LB1393 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1118
LB1412 Placed on Select File with ER94 1118
LB1412 Enrollment and Review ER94 filed 1118
LB1413 Placed on Select File with ER93 1118
LB1413 Enrollment and Review ER93 filed 1118
LB61 Approved by Governor on March 18, 2024 1119
LB198 Approved by Governor on March 18, 2024 1119
LB304 Approved by Governor on March 18, 2024 1119
LB644A Placed on Select File 1119
LB771 Approved by Governor on March 18, 2024 1119
LB771A Approved by Governor on March 18, 2024 1119
LB844 Approved by Governor on March 18, 2024 1119
LB880 Placed on Select File 1119
LB895 Approved by Governor on March 18, 2024 1119
LB904A Placed on Select File 1119
LB926 Placed on Select File 1119
LB938 Approved by Governor on March 18, 2024 1119
LB1088 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1119
LB1104 Approved by Governor on March 18, 2024 1119
LB1204A Placed on Select File 1119
LB137 Wayne AM2790 to ER72 filed 1120
LB1031 Fredrickson AM2905 adopted 1120
LB1031 DeBoer AM2956 adopted 1120
LB1031 Bostelman AM2893 adopted 1120
LB1031 Transportation and Telecommunications AM2780 adopted 1120
LB1031 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1120
LB137 Wayne AM3076 to ER72 filed 1121
LB137 Hunt AM3084 to ER72 filed 1121
LB137 Hunt AM3089 to FA231 filed 1122
LB137 Hunt AM3039 to ER72 filed 1123
LB137 Hunt AM3088 to AM2828 filed 1124
LB130A Date of introduction 1126
LB130A Placed on General File 1126
LB441 Conrad MO1270 Bracket until April 18, 2024 filed 1126
LB441 Conrad MO1270 pending 1126
LB867A Date of introduction 1126
LB867A Placed on General File 1126
LB1393 Conrad MO1271 Indefinitely postpone filed 1126
LB840 McKinney AM3092 to AM2862 filed 1127
LB876 Blood AM2779 filed 1127
LB441 Conrad MO1270 pending 1129
LB441 Conrad MO1270 pending 1129
LB1329 Murman AM3102 to AM2831 filed 1129
LB1412 Clements AM3070 to AM2566 filed 1129
LB1413 Clements AM3071 to AM2698 filed 1129
Appointment(s) Judiciary Committee Executive Session Report 1093
Appointment(s) Letter of Reappointments, Various Appointments 1115
Appointment(s) Notice of Hearing for March 26, 2024, Spencer Hartman 1126
Appointment(s) Reference Committee Report, Various Appointments 1116