Journal Summary for May 30th, 2023

108th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 86

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Description, or Journal Page.
Document Description Journal Page
LB565 Approved by Governor on May 26, 2023 1763
LB565A Approved by Governor on May 26, 2023 1763
LB683 Approved by Governor on May 26, 2023 1763
LB683A Approved by Governor on May 26, 2023 1763
LB191 Approved by Governor on May 26, 2023 1764
LB254 Approved by Governor on May 26, 2023 1764
LB254A Approved by Governor on May 26, 2023 1764
LB50A Passed over 1765
LB514 Slama MO1090 withdrawn 1765
LB531A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1765
LB727A Linehan AM1998 filed 1765
LB727A Linehan AM1998 adopted 1765
LB727A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1765
LB50 Placed on Final Reading with ST23 1766
LB50 Enrollment and Review ST23 filed 1766
LB50 Enrollment and Review ST23 recorded 1766
LB157 Placed on Select File with ER37 1766
LB157 Enrollment and Review ER37 filed 1766
LB157 Enrollment and Review ER37 adopted 1766
LB92 Placed on Final Reading Second with ST24 1767
LB92 Enrollment and Review ST24 filed 1767
LB92 Enrollment and Review ST24 recorded 1767
LB92A Placed on Final Reading 1767
LB227 Placed on Final Reading Second with ST26 1767
LB227 Enrollment and Review ST26 filed 1767
LB227 Enrollment and Review ST26 recorded 1767
LB227A Placed on Final Reading Second 1767
LB727 Placed on Final Reading with ST22 1767
LB727 Enrollment and Review ST22 filed 1767
LB727 Enrollment and Review ST22 recorded 1767
LB50 Clements FA200 filed 1768
LB514 MO1091 pending 1768
LB514 Slama MO1091 withdrawn 1768
LB514 Slama FA173 withdrawn 1768
LB514 Slama FA189 withdrawn 1768
LB514 Slama FA174 withdrawn 1769
LB514 Slama FA190 withdrawn 1769
LB514 FA175 pending 1769
LR274 Date of introduction 1769
LR274 Referred to Executive Board 1769
LB438 Placed on General File 1770
LB514 Slama FA175 withdrawn 1770
LB727A Placed on Final Reading 1770
LB514 Slama FA191 withdrawn 1771
LB514 Slama FA176 withdrawn 1771
LB514 Brewer MO1154 Invoke cloture pursuant to Rule 7, Sec. 10 filed 1771
LB514 Brewer MO1154 prevailed 1771
LB514 Slama FA192 lost 1771
LB514 Enrollment and Review ER36 adopted 1771
LB514 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1771
LB505 Placed on General File with AM1971 1772
LB505 Revenue AM1971 filed 1772
LB803 Placed on General File 1772
LB50A Wayne AM2003 filed 1775
LB514A Brewer MO1121 withdrawn 1775
LB514A Brewer MO1122 withdrawn 1775
LB514A Brewer FA155 withdrawn 1775
LB514A Brewer FA156 withdrawn 1775
LB514A Brewer AM1945 adopted 1775
LB514A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1775
LB50A Wayne AM2003 adopted 1776
LB50A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1776
LB157 DeBoer AM2004 filed 1777
LB531A McKinney AM1992 filed 1777
LB531A McKinney AM1992 adopted 1777
LB531A Returned to Select File for specific amendment 1777
LB531A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1777
LB157 DeBoer AM2004 adopted 1778
LB157 Conrad AM2002 filed 1778
LB157 Conrad AM2002 adopted 1779
LB157 Brandt AM2007 filed 1779
LB157 Brandt AM2007 withdrawn 1780
LB157 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1780
LB562 Dorn MO1025 withdrawn 1780
LB562 Dorn MO1026 withdrawn 1780
LB562 Dorn MO1027 withdrawn 1780
LB562 Halloran MO971 withdrawn 1780
LB562 Halloran MO972 withdrawn 1780
LB562 Hunt MO647 withdrawn 1781
LB562 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1781
LB562 Passed on Final Reading 46-0-3 1781
LB562A Passed on Final Reading 45-0-4 1782
LB705 Conrad MO791 withdrawn 1782
LB705 Murman MO1021 withdrawn 1782
LB705 Murman MO1022 withdrawn 1783
LB705 Conrad MO788 withdrawn 1783
LB705 Cavanaugh, M. MO997 withdrawn 1783
LB705 Cavanaugh, M. MO998 withdrawn 1783
LB705 Murman MO1023 withdrawn 1783
LB705 Cavanaugh, M. MO1020 withdrawn 1783
LB705 Cavanaugh, M. FA83 withdrawn 1783
LB705 Vargas FA84 withdrawn 1783
LB705 Murman FA95 withdrawn 1783
LB705 Murman AM1675 withdrawn 1783
LB705 Erdman AM1665 withdrawn 1783
LB705 Blood AM1661 withdrawn 1783
LB705 Vargas AM1641 withdrawn 1783
LB705 Murman AM1643 withdrawn 1783
LB705 Murman AM1669 withdrawn 1783
LB705 Murman AM1672 withdrawn 1783
LB705 Murman AM844 withdrawn 1783
LB705 Murman FA37 withdrawn 1783
LB705 Murman FA38 withdrawn 1783
LB705 Murman FA79 withdrawn 1783
LB705 Wayne AM1513 withdrawn 1784
LB705 Murman AM1680 withdrawn 1784
LB705 Vargas AM1642 withdrawn 1784
LB705 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1784
LB705 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 47-0-2 1785
LB562 President/Speaker signed 1786
LB562A President/Speaker signed 1786
LB705 President/Speaker signed 1786
LB705A Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 47-0-2 1786
LB705A President/Speaker signed 1786
LB753 Approved by Governor on May 30, 2023 1786
LB753A Approved by Governor on May 30, 2023 1786
LB562 Presented to Governor on May 30, 2023 1806
LB562A Presented to Governor on May 30, 2023 1806
LB705 Presented to Governor on May 30, 2023 1806
LB705A Presented to Governor on May 30, 2023 1806
LB814 Walz MO1155 Override the Governor's line-item veto in Section 13, Legislative Council, Program 122, Legislative Services; and Section 14, Legislative Council, Program 123, Clerk of the Legislature; and Section 15, Legislative Council, Program 126, Legislative Research; and Section 16, Legislative Council, Program 127, Revisor of Statutes; and Section 17, Legislative Council, Program 129, Legislative Audit; and Section 19, Legislative Council, Program 504, Office of Public Counsel; and Section 20, Legislative Council, Program 638, Fiscal and Program Analysis filed 1806
LB50A Placed on Final Reading 1807
LB157 Fredrickson name added 1807
LB157 Placed on Final Reading with ST28 1807
LB157 Enrollment and Review ST28 filed 1807
LB157 Enrollment and Review ST28 recorded 1807
LB514 Brewer AM1996 filed 1807
LB514 Placed on Final Reading 1807
LB514A Placed on Final Reading 1807
LB531 Vargas name added 1807
LB562 Vargas name added 1807
LB575 Riepe name withdrawn 1807
LB814 Conrad MO1156 Override the Governor's line-item veto in Section 252, Foster Care Review Office, Program 317, Court Appointed Special Advocate State Aid filed 1807
LB814 Conrad MO1157 Override the Governor's line-item veto in Section 100, Department of Health and Human Services, Program 354, Child Welfare Aid, as follows: General Fund and Program Total for FY2023-24 only; Earmark amount in first paragraph, second line; Earmark amount in fifth paragraph, second line filed 1807
LB531A Placed on Final Reading 1808
Appointment(s) Health and Human Services committee Report, Timothy A. Tesmer and Noah Bernhardson 1764
Appointment(s) Confirmation of appointments, various appointments 1787