Hearings for March 12th, 2025

109th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 42

The order of the bills listed may not be the order in which they are heard that day in committee.

Location: Room 1003
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: Agency 3
Description: Legislative Council
Document: Agency 16
Description: Revenue, Department of
Document: Agency 34
Description: Library Commission, Nebraska
Document: LB130
Introducer: Dungan
Description: Change provisions relating to General Fund net receipts and transfers to the Cash Reserve Fund
Document: LB623
Introducer: Dover
Description: State intent regarding appropriations
Document: LB392
Introducer: Clements
Description: Appropriate funds for the Legislative Council
Document: LB393
Introducer: Clements
Description: Eliminate obsolete transfers relating to the Cash Reserve Fund
Government, Military and Veterans Affairs
Location: Room 1507
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB546
Introducer: Rountree
Description: Change provisions relating to proclamations for disasters, emergencies, and civil defense emergencies made by the Governor
Document: LB508
Introducer: Hunt
Description: Change provisions relating to the deployment of the Nebraska National Guard and require the Governor to review current deployments
Document: LB693
Introducer: McKeon
Description: Prohibit as a deceptive trade practice certain conduct relating to assistance or referrals in veterans benefits matters
Health and Human Services
Location: Room 1510
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB147
Introducer: Hansen
Description: Change provisions relating to approval and regulation of adding fluoride to the water supply of certain political subdivisions
Document: LB437
Introducer: Riepe
Description: Repeal the Nebraska Health Care Certificate of Need Act
Document: LB48
Introducer: McKinney
Description: Establish a family resource and juvenile assessment pilot program
Document: LB275
Introducer: Hunt
Description: Require the Department of Health and Human Services to screen state wards for social security benefit eligibility
Location: Room 1525
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB511
Introducer: Holdcroft
Description: Create the offense of commercial sexual exploitation, require registration under the Sex Offender Registration Act for certain solicitation and trafficking offenses, provide for a grant program for law enforcement, and require the Department of Health and Human Services to conduct education and awareness campaigns
Document: LB578
Introducer: Cavanaugh, M.
Description: Change provisions relating to compensation and employment of jail and prison inmates and disbursements of such funds and require payment of the minimum wage for inmates and government employees
Document: LB103
Introducer: DeBoer
Description: Change Nebraska Evidence Rules to prohibit questions relating to past sexual behavior or sexual assaults in pretrial proceedings
Document: LB159
Introducer: Guereca
Description: Provide for sentencing consideration of a defendant's status as a victim of abuse or trafficking
Document: LB606
Introducer: Holdcroft
Description: Eliminate the Division of Parole Supervision and the position of Director of Supervision and Services, transfer powers and duties to the Department of Correctional Services, and change provisions relating to correctional system overcrowding emergencies
Location: Room 1524
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB582
Introducer: Spivey
Description: Change provisions under the Mechanical Amusement Device Tax Act relating to the amount of tax imposed on cash devices and how such collected taxes are remitted and change the revenue submitted to the Nebraska Tourism Commission Promotional Cash Fund
Document: LR13CA
Introducer: Hallstrom
Description: Constitutional amendment to prohibit the levying of an inheritance tax
Document: LB566
Introducer: Quick
Description: Eliminate a sunset date relating to an income tax credit for the purchase of certain residential property
Document: LB152
Introducer: Cavanaugh, J.
Description: Create a homestead exemption