Hearings for February 3rd, 2025

109th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 18

The order of the bills listed may not be the order in which they are heard that day in committee.

Banking, Commerce and Insurance
Location: Room 1507
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB609
Introducer: Bostar
Description: Adopt the Controllable Electronic Record Fraud Prevention Act, require certain notice to purchasers of gift certificates or gift cards, provide for forfeiture of controllable electronic records, and provide for forfeiture of assets for theft by deception, forgery, and identity theft
Document: LB504
Introducer: Bosn
Description: Adopt the Age-Appropriate Online Design Code Act
Document: LB525
Introducer: Jacobson
Description: Adopt the Agricultural Data Privacy Act
Document: LB241
Introducer: Hallstrom
Description: Provide immunity from liability for cybersecurity events
Document: LB602
Introducer: Juarez
Description: Adopt the Data Elimination and Limiting Extensive Tracking and Exchange Act
Business and Labor
Location: Room 2102
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB94
Introducer: McKinney
Description: Adopt the Digital Skills Empowerment Act and change the use of the Workforce Development Program Cash Fund
Document: LB297
Introducer: Ibach
Description: Change provisions relating to the combined tax rate under the Employment Security Law
Document: LB265
Introducer: Sorrentino
Description: Eliminate certain funds, change provisions relating to the state unemployment insurance tax rate and the Workforce Development Program Cash Fund, and eliminate the Nebraska Worker Training Board
Document: LB353
Introducer: Lonowski
Description: Allow public school employees to join or terminate membership in a labor organization
Document: LB320
Introducer: Sanders
Description: Require that hotels and similar public lodging establishments place posters relating to human trafficking in such establishments and provide for training on human trafficking to employees of such establishments
Document: LB698
Introducer: Strommen
Description: Change provisions of the Nebraska Healthy Families and Workplaces Act
Location: Room 1525
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB538
Introducer: Hardin
Description: Require school boards and postsecondary educational institutions to adopt a policy and provide training relating to discrimination and antisemitism and provide for Title VI coordinators
Document: LB143
Introducer: Rountree
Description: Change provisions relating to student enrollment
Document: LB625
Introducer: Dover
Description: Provide for the establishment of a database of financial information from all school districts in the state
Document: LB390
Introducer: Murman
Description: Require each school board to adopt a policy relating to access by a parent, guardian, or educational decisionmaker to certain school library information
Document: LB306
Description: Change provisions relating to the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges, the Nebraska Career Scholarship Act, the Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education Act, the Door to College Scholarship Act, and budget limitations for community colleges
General Affairs
Location: Room 1023
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB478
Description: Provide for an auction permit and a wholesalers shipping license and change other provisions of the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
Document: LB33
Introducer: Hunt
Description: Remove nonalcoholic beer from regulation under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
Document: LB186
Introducer: Dover
Description: Change provisions relating to entertainment districts under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
Document: LB178
Introducer: Clouse
Description: Require mandatory server training under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
Document: LB113
Introducer: Quick
Description: Change provisions relating to licensees under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
Transportation and Telecommunications
Location: Room 1510
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB97
Introducer: Fredrickson
Description: Change provisions relating to deferred judgments, the State Boat Act, the Motor Vehicle Certificate of Title Act, the Motor Vehicle Registration Act, the Motor Vehicle Operator’s License Act, the Nebraska Rules of the Road, the Department of Motor Vehicles Cash Fund, the Uniform Motor Vehicle Records Disclosure Act, the Motor Carrier Services Division Distributive Fund, and the State Treasurer
Document: LB114
Introducer: Moser
Description: Change provisions relating to Department of Motor Vehicles fees
Document: LB207
Introducer: von Gillern
Description: Provide a registration fee under the Motor Vehicle Registration Act for certain commercially registered alternative fuel vehicles
Document: LB398
Introducer: Moser
Description: Adopt updates to federal law relating to motor vehicles and motor carriers and change provisions relating to commercial driver’s licenses and CLP-commercial learner’s permits
Document: LB543
Introducer: Dover
Description: Provide for the delivery of license plates and change provisions relating to the Department of Motor Vehicles’ fees