Hearings for Business and Labor Committee

The order of the bills listed may not be the order in which they are heard that day in committee.

Business and Labor
Date: Monday February 03, 2025
Location: Room 2102
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB94
Introducer: McKinney
Description: Adopt the Digital Skills Empowerment Act and change the use of the Workforce Development Program Cash Fund
Document: LB297
Introducer: Ibach
Description: Change provisions relating to the combined tax rate under the Employment Security Law
Document: LB265
Introducer: Sorrentino
Description: Eliminate certain funds, change provisions relating to the state unemployment insurance tax rate and the Workforce Development Program Cash Fund, and eliminate the Nebraska Worker Training Board
Document: LB353
Introducer: Lonowski
Description: Allow public school employees to join or terminate membership in a labor organization
Document: LB320
Introducer: Sanders
Description: Require that hotels and similar public lodging establishments place posters relating to human trafficking in such establishments and provide for training on human trafficking to employees of such establishments
Document: LB698
Introducer: Strommen
Description: Change provisions of the Nebraska Healthy Families and Workplaces Act
Business and Labor
Date: Monday January 27, 2025
Location: Room 2102
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB308
Introducer: Ibach
Description: Adopt the Health Care Staffing Agency Registration Act
Document: LB144
Introducer: Rountree
Description: Change provisions relating to veterans preferences for employment
Document: LB100
Introducer: Spivey
Description: Adopt the Business Innovation and Startup Act
Document: LB229
Introducer: Hallstrom
Description: Exclude marketplace network contractors working for marketplace network platforms from the Employment Security Law
Document: LB197
Introducer: Storm
Description: Change provisions relating to disqualification for benefits, claim determinations, and claim redeterminations under the Employment Security Law