Agenda for May 25th, 2023

108th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 85

Eighty-Fifth Day

Thursday, May 25, 2023

9:00 a.m.

One Hundred Eighth Legislature

First Session

  • Prayer by the Chaplain
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Call to Order - Roll Call
  • Corrections for the Journal
  • Messages, Reports, Announcements
FINAL READING: Motion to return to Select File for a specific amendment
Document Introducer Description
LB227A Hansen, B. Appropriation Bill
FINAL READING (Bills Preceded with an * Will Require a Vote To Suspend At Large Reading, Pursuant to Rule 6, Section 8)
Document Introducer Description
*LB243e Briese Adopt the School District Property Tax Limitation Act, change levying authority and provide aid to community college areas, and change provisions relating to the Tax Equalization and Review Commission and property and income taxes
LB243Ae Briese Appropriation Bill
*LB583e Sanders, at the request of the Governor Change provisions of the Special Education Act and the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
*LB583Ae Sanders Appropriation Bill
*LB754e Linehan, at the request of the Governor Adopt the Child Care Tax Credit Act and change provisions relating to the School Readiness Tax Credit Act and income tax rates
LB754Ae Linehan Appropriation Bill
Transportation and Telecommunications Committee
     NE Dept. of Transportation Director, Vicki Kramer (Journal Page 459)
Health and Human Services Committee
     DHHS Division of Public Health Director, Charity Merritt Menefee (Journal Page 515)
Government Committee
     State Fair Marshall - Scott Cordes (Journal Page 1142)
     Policy Research Office Director, Kenny Zoeller (Journal Page 1143)
Judiciary Committee
     Dept of Correctional Services Director, Robey L. Jeffreys (Journal Page 1211)
Transportation and Telecommunications Committee
     Dept. of Motor Vehicles Director, Rhonda Lahm (Journal Page 459)
Health and Human Services Committee
     DHHS Developmental Disabilities Director, Anthony Green (Journal Page 515)
     DHHS Medicaid & Long Term Care Director, Kevin Bagley (Journal Page 515)
     DHHS Director/CEO, Dannette R. Smith (Journal Page 516)
Nebraska Retirement Systems
     Nebraska Public Employees Retirement Systems Director, Jason Hayes (Journal Page 1722)
Document Introducer Description
LB157 DeBoer Provide for appointment of temporary guardians and change provisions relating to attorney's fees, third-party practice, change of name proceedings, enforcement of debts against certain victims, controlled substances schedules, decedents' estates, and crime victims' reparations
LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION(s) Eligible For Adoption Pursuant to Rule 4, Section 5(b)
Document Introducer Description
LR249 Holdcroft Recognize the Reserve Organization of America as a respected advocate for national security and readiness
LR253 McDonnell Congratulate Randy Gerke on his retirement and extend appreciation for his nineteen years of outstanding service to the State of Nebraska
LR254 Blood Congratulate Hugo Ronnberg and the Bellevue University men's golf team on winning the North Star Atlantic Association men's golf title and team championship
LR255 Conrad Congratulate Nicholas Wallenburg for being awarded the National Forensic Association National Individual Championship in Lincoln-Douglas debate and for his accomplishments in collegiate debate at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
LR256 Erdman Recognize the hardships the Curt and Angie Eberspacher family have overcome and recognize the horsemanship demonstrated by Sarah Eberspacher at the 2023 Intercollegiate Horse Show
LR257 Vargas Recognize the Nebraska section of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists for working with Nebraska women and families
LR258 Vargas Congratulate Steelhouse Omaha on its grand opening
LR259 Vargas Recognize Urban Abbey's commitment to the Omaha community
LR260 Conrad Congratulate Susan Foltz on being selected as the 2023 Nebraska Direct Professional of the Year
LR261 McDonnell Acknowledge efforts involved in establishing a sister city relationship between Omaha, Nebraska and Accra, Ghana
LR262 Erdman Congratulate Aspen Graves for winning the Nebraska "Doodle for Google" competition
LR263 Vargas Congratulate the Omaha South High School boys soccer team for winning the district championship and for their state soccer tournament appearance
LR264 Vargas Recognize the hard work of Cinco de Mayo Omaha
LR265 Vargas Congratulate the United Way of the Midlands for one hundred years of serving the Omaha community
LR266 Brandt Congratulate the Norris High School girls track and field team on winning the 2023 Class B state championship
LR267 DeKay Congratulate the Plainview High School boys track and field team on winning the 2023 Class D state championship
LR268 Albrecht Congratulate Misty Andreasen on receiving the Maginn Family Foundation Educator of the Year Award
LR269 Albrecht Congratulate Brody Krusemark for winning the 2023 Nebraska Class C state championship 100 meter dash
LR270 Fredrickson Extend sympathy to the family of Doug Krenzer and recognize his service to his community and Westside Community Schools
LR271 Holdcroft Congratulate the Gretna High School girls soccer team on winning the 2023 Class A state championship and the Gretna High School boys soccer team on being runner-up in the 2023 Class A state championship
LR272 Holdcroft Congratulate Gretna High School sophomore Braden Lofquest on winning the 800 meter dash at the 2023 Class A boys state track and field championship
LR273 Hansen, B. Congratulate Hull Maintenance Technician First Class (Surface Warfare) Kiefer J. Nelson for his Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal and other achievements

  • Messages on the President's Desk
  • Adjourn until Tuesday, May 30, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.