LB39 - Require disability impact statements for certain legislation

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  • Please refer to the detailed view for current progress.
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History   View Details

Date Description Journal Vote
Apr 18, 2024 Indefinitely postponed 1813
Jan 03, 2024 Title printed. Carryover bill 9
Jan 31, 2023 Hunt name added 434
Jan 18, 2023 Notice of hearing for January 27, 2023 341
Jan 10, 2023 Conrad name added 196
Jan 10, 2023 Cavanaugh, M. name added 196
Jan 09, 2023 Referred to Executive Board 126
Jan 06, 2023 Day name added 123
Jan 05, 2023 Date of introduction 73


Related Transcripts
Revenue Committee August 01, 2024
Floor Debate April 02, 2024
Revenue Committee February 08, 2024
Revenue Committee March 08, 2023
Revenue Committee February 09, 2023
Floor Debate January 31, 2023
Executive Board Committee January 27, 2023
Floor Debate January 10, 2023
Floor Debate January 06, 2023
Floor Debate January 05, 2023