LB59 - Change provisions relating to limitations for a postconviction relief action

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  • Please refer to the detailed view for current progress.
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History   View Details

Date Description Journal Vote
Jun 01, 2023 Provisions/portions of LB59 amended into LB50 by AM1796 0
Jun 01, 2023 Indefinitely Postponed 1878
Feb 22, 2023 Placed on General File 572
Jan 18, 2023 Notice of hearing for January 25, 2023 342
Jan 09, 2023 Referred to Judiciary Committee 127
Jan 05, 2023 Date of introduction 76


Related Transcripts
Judiciary Committee August 01, 2024
Floor Debate February 23, 2024
Floor Debate May 22, 2023
Floor Debate February 22, 2023
Floor Debate January 26, 2023
Floor Debate January 05, 2023