
Considered Amendment Details - LB754
Number Introducer Explanation Status Journal Vote
MO1051 Linehan Final Reading withdrawn 1472
FA34 Kauth Final Reading withdrawn 908
FA119 Linehan Final Reading withdrawn 1472
MO140 Cavanaugh, M. Final Reading Recommit withdrawn 906
ST18 Enrollment and Review recorded 1520
AM1099 Raybould Withdraw withdrawn 940
AM1651 Raybould Amendments to Committee Amendments lost 1449 Vote
AM1650 Raybould Amendments to Committee Amendments lost 1450 Vote
AM1410 Wayne Amendments to Committee Amendments withdrawn 1330
AM1405 Raybould Amendments to Committee Amendments lost 1184 Vote
ER19 Enrollment and Review ER Amendments adopted 1003
AM1092 DeBoer Select File lost 929 Vote
AM1517 Raybould Withdraw withdrawn 1351
AM1038 Hunt Select File withdrawn 907
AM1036 Hunt Select File withdrawn 907
AM1039 Hunt Select File withdrawn 907
FA12 Linehan Select File withdrawn 449
AM1762 Conrad Amendments to ER Amendments lost 1474 Vote
AM1760 Linehan Amendments to ER Amendments adopted 1471 Vote
AM111 Cavanaugh, M. withdrawn 405
AM1721 Cavanaugh, M. Amendments to Committee Amendments withdrawn 1456
AM1720 Cavanaugh, M. Amendments to Committee Amendments withdrawn 1456
MO136 Cavanaugh, M. Bracket withdrawn 924
MO135 Cavanaugh, M. Recommit withdrawn 924
MO134 Cavanaugh, M. Indefinitely postpone withdrawn 924
MO137 Cavanaugh, M. Select File Indefinitely Postpone withdrawn 905
MO138 Cavanaugh, M. Select File Recommit withdrawn 906
MO139 Cavanaugh, M. Select File Bracket withdrawn 906
AM1064 Revenue Second Division not considered 906
AM906 Revenue Committee Amendments adopted 803 Vote
MO324 Linehan Cloture prevailed 932 Vote
AM1063 Revenue First Division adopted 906 Vote
AM1070 DeBoer Amendments to AM1063 withdrawn 924
AM1066 von Gillern Amendments to AM1063 adopted 916 Vote
AM1047 Dungan Amendments to AM1063 lost 911 Vote
AM1068 Cavanaugh, J. Amendments to AM1063 lost 907 Vote
MO156 Wayne Bracket withdrawn 910