Constitutional amendment to permit an authorized gaming operator conducting sports wagering within a licensed racetrack enclosure to allow a sports wager to be placed by an individual located within the State of Nebraska at the time the individual places the sports wager by means of a mobile or electronic platform

LR3CA Actions
Date Description Journal Vote
Aug 14, 2024 General Affairs AM71 filed 145
Aug 14, 2024 Placed on General File with AM71 145
Aug 07, 2024 Lowe AM55 filed 110
Aug 07, 2024 Lowe AM54 filed 110
Aug 07, 2024 Lowe FA69 filed 107
Aug 07, 2024 Conrad MO98 Place on General File pursuant to Rule 9, Sec. 5 filed 105
Aug 07, 2024 Lowe MO87 Recommit to the General Affairs Committee filed 104
Aug 07, 2024 Lowe MO86 Indefinitely postpone filed 104
Aug 07, 2024 Lowe MO85 Bracket until September 1, 2024 filed 104
Aug 07, 2024 Lowe MO82 Bracket until September 1, 2024 filed 104
Aug 07, 2024 Lowe MO81 Indefinitely postpone pursuant to Rule 6, Sec. 3(f) filed 104
Jul 30, 2024 Notice of hearing for July 31, 2024 72
Jul 26, 2024 Wishart name added 37
Jul 26, 2024 Referred to General Affairs Committee 29
Jul 25, 2024 Date of introduction 15