Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Legislation Referred To Business and Labor Committee in the 109th Legislature

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Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB45 McKinney Referral Provide for grants for job programs for historically underserved youth
LB75 Hunt Referral Change provisions of the Wage and Hour Act relating to tipped employees and provide for complaints, prohibited actions, and liquidated damages
LB94 McKinney Referral Adopt the Digital Skills Empowerment Act and change the use of the Workforce Development Program Cash Fund
LB100 Spivey Referral Adopt the Business Innovation and Startup Act
LB144 Rountree Referral Change provisions relating to veterans preferences for employment
LB189 Cavanaugh, M. Referral Adopt the Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Act
LB197 Storm Referral Change provisions relating to disqualification for benefits, claim determinations, and claim redeterminations under the Employment Security Law
LB229 Hallstrom Referral Exclude marketplace network contractors working for marketplace network platforms from the Employment Security Law
LB258 Raybould Referral Change provisions relating to the minimum wage under the Wage and Hour Act
LB265 Sorrentino Referral Eliminate certain funds, change provisions relating to the state unemployment insurance tax rate and the Workforce Development Program Cash Fund, and eliminate the Nebraska Worker Training Board
LB297 Ibach Referral Change provisions relating to the combined tax rate under the Employment Security Law
LB299 Ibach Referral Allow eligible aliens and dependents to receive public benefits relating to employment
LB308 Ibach Referral Adopt the Health Care Staffing Agency Registration Act