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Search for Legislation Referred To Revenue Committee in the 109th Legislature

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Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB8 Dungan Referral Change provisions relating to the tax credits under the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Tax Credit Act
LB28 Conrad Referral Provide for an income tax adjustment for tip income
LB30 Conrad Referral Provide for an income tax adjustment for income received from overtime compensation
LB50 DeKay Referral Change provisions relating to the distribution of the nameplate capacity tax
LB78 Bostar Referral Adopt the Domestic Violence and Sex Trafficking Survivor Assistance Act and change the rate and allocation of the documentary stamp tax
LB81 Hardin Referral Define a term and change tax credit provisions under the Nebraska Property Tax Incentive Act
LB107 Cavanaugh, M. Referral Provide an income tax credit for renters and change provisions relating to a property tax credit
LB115 Ballard Referral Increase the income tax credit and change the qualification criteria under the Volunteer Emergency Responders Incentive Act
LB116 Ballard E and R Initial Change provisions of the Convention Center Facility Financing Assistance Act and the Nebraska Visitors Development Act
LB117 Holdcroft Referral Provide a sales and use tax exemption for electricity, natural gas, propane, and sewer utilities
LB131 Sorrentino Referral Include elementary and secondary schools in the Nebraska educational savings plan trust and change tax benefits
LB151 Cavanaugh, J. Referral Adopt the First-Time Homebuyers Savings Account Act and provide income tax adjustments
LB152 Cavanaugh, J. Referral Create a homestead exemption
LB157 Conrad Referral Adopt the Child Tax Credit Act
LB169 Brandt Referral Eliminate certain sales and use tax exemptions and impose sales and use tax on certain services
LB170 Brandt Referral Eliminate the sales tax exemptions for candy and soft drinks
LB171 Brandt Referral Change provisions relating to individual and corporate income tax rates
LB182 Bostar General File Change provisions relating to the Affordable Housing Tax Credit Act and the Child Care Tax Credit Act
LB194 Sorrentino E and R Initial Change provisions relating to a documentary stamp tax exemption
LB200 Sorrentino Referral Provide for exemptions under the Personal Property Tax Relief Act
LB208 von Gillern General File Change provisions relating to sales tax collection fees, confidentiality of sales tax information, the streamlined sales and use tax agreement, a sales tax database, and certain income tax credits
LB209 von Gillern E and R Initial Change provisions relating to homestead exemptions for certain veterans and a property tax exemption for certain facilities
LB211 Riepe Referral Change provisions relating to the calculation of property tax request authority under the Property Tax Growth Limitation Act
LB212 Wordekemper Referral Change tax provisions relating to cigars, cheroots, and stogies
LB234 Conrad Referral Redefine economic redevelopment area under the Urban Redevelopment Act
LB242 Riepe Referral Change the Property Tax Growth Limitation Act and the School District Property Tax Relief Act and change provisions relating to budget limitations, municipal occupation taxes, and property tax statements
LB269 Rountree Referral Change provisions relating to the state database of sales and use tax rates for local jurisdictions
LB270 Rountree Referral Provide for a review by the Auditor of Public Accounts for suspected sales and use tax reporting irregularities and discrepancies
LB272 Dungan Referral Change provisions relating to homestead exemptions for certain disabled veterans and surviving spouses
LB305 Ibach Referral Adopt the Preceptorship Tax Credit Act
LB314 Sorrentino Referral Change provisions of the Sports Arena Facility Financing Assistance Act
LB328 Holdcroft Referral Change provisions relating to the disbursement of the documentary stamp tax
LB330 Juarez Referral Change provisions relating to the sales tax rate and create the Alcohol Addiction Prevention and Treatment Fund
LB331 Hardin Referral Adopt the Nebraska EPIC Option Consumption Tax Act and terminate tax provisions
LB354 Clouse Referral Prohibit cities of the first class from receiving state aid from the Municipal Equalization Fund
LB355 Andersen Referral Change provisions relating to census data used for certain tax and economic development programs
LB384 Storer Referral Require a majority of the elected members of the governing bodies of participating political subdivisions to attend joint public hearings under the Property Tax Request Act
LB389 Murman Referral Eliminate the levy authority of educational service units and provide state funding to educational service units
LB391 Murman Referral Adopt the Give to Enable Scholarship Act and provide for certain income tax adjustments
LB399 Wordekemper Referral Change provisions relating to property tax rates and qualifications for certain distributions under the Mutual Finance Assistance Act
LB401 von Gillern Referral Change provisions relating to income taxes imposed on partnerships and small business corporations and notices of deficiency determinations, deficiencies, and denials of claims for refunds
LB424 Andersen Referral Limit increases in property tax bills
LB425 Andersen Referral Change provisions relating to homestead exemptions for certain disabled veterans and surviving spouses
LB439 Spivey Referral Adopt the Property Tax Circuit Breaker Act
LB458 Bostar Referral Change provisions relating to tax sale certificates, real property sold for delinquent taxes, certain tax-related foreclosure actions, and land banks and adopt the Permitting Approval Timeliness Act and the By-Right Housing Development Act
LB468 Clements Referral Change provisions relating to inheritance taxes, change certain fee and tax provisions, and eliminate a sales tax exemption relating to data centers
LB479 Moser Referral Change the distribution of sales and use tax revenue
LB484 Quick Referral Redefine agricultural land and horticultural land for property tax assessment
LB494 Dorn Referral Change provisions relating to the School District Property Tax Relief Act and transfers of General Fund net receipts to the Cash Reserve Fund and the School District Property Tax Relief Credit Fund
LB495 Hansen Referral Change provisions relating to community colleges under the Property Tax Request Act
LB501 Meyer Referral Change provisions relating to the assessment of real property that suffers significant property damage
LB503 Bosn Referral Authorize the designation of American energy friendly counties and change provisions relating to privately developed renewable energy generation facilities and the nameplate capacity tax
LB509 Sorrentino Referral Adopt the Opportunity Scholarships Act and provide for income tax credits
LB510 Holdcroft Referral Change provisions relating to the sales tax rate, the Good Life Transformational Projects Act, and the Good Life District Economic Development Act
LB526 Jacobson Referral Provide for an excise tax on cryptocurrency mining and allow public power districts to require payments or letters of credit from cryptocurrency mining operations for certain infrastructure upgrades
LB547 Rountree Referral Redefine disabled veteran for purposes of motor vehicle and property tax exemptions
LB564 Brandt Referral Change provisions relating to fund transfers to the School District Property Tax Relief Credit Fund and the amount of tax relief granted under the School District Property Tax Relief Act
LB566 Quick Referral Eliminate a sunset date relating to an income tax credit for the purchase of certain residential property
LB575 Hallstrom Referral Change provisions relating to the Property Tax Request Act and property tax levy limits
LB582 Spivey Referral Change provisions under the Mechanical Amusement Device Tax Act relating to the amount of tax imposed on cash devices and how such collected taxes are remitted and change the revenue submitted to the Nebraska Tourism Commission Promotional Cash Fund
LB583 Spivey Referral Change provisions relating to the rate and disbursement of the documentary stamp tax, the Child Care Grant Fund, child care grants, the Military Installation Development and Support Fund, the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, the Innovation Hub Cash Fund, the Economic Recovery Contingency Fund, and the Health Care Homes for the Medically Underserved Fund
LB592 Ballard Referral Change provisions relating to the achieving a better life experience program
LB608 Bostar Referral Change insurance provisions relating to firefighters and include correctional officers, youth detention officers, and certain children in the First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act
LB613 Andersen Referral Change provisions relating to the disclosure of tax information to municipalities
LB622 Dover Referral Provide for the Statewide Housing Assistance Program and change provisions relating to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, recipients of assistance, and selection of recipients under the Nebraska Affordable Housing Act and the rate and disbursement of the documentary stamp tax
LB628 Dover Referral Adopt the Recreational Trail Easement Property Tax Exemption Act and change provisions relating to the filing of statements of recorded easements and property tax exemptions
LB637 Ballard Referral Adopt the Destination Nebraska Act and provide for certain taxing authority
LB643 Prokop Referral Prohibit income tax deductions relating to interest or taxes paid on or maintenance of certain properties and provide exemptions to prohibited deductions
LB647 Revenue Committee Referral Change property tax provisions relating to net book value
LB648 Revenue Committee Referral Change the sales and use tax rate
LB649 Revenue Committee Referral Change provisions relating to an income tax rate
LB650 von Gillern Referral Eliminate certain sales tax exemptions, change income tax provisions relating to nonresident income and certain tax credits, and provide and change certain sunset dates relating to tax incentives
LB679 Ballard Referral Change provisions relating to the sale of real property for delinquent taxes
LB683 Raybould Referral Change provisions relating to duties of county assessors regarding notification of real property assessments and eliminate and change provisions of the Property Tax Request Act
LB692 Murman Referral Change provisions relating to property tax request authority under the School District Property Tax Limitation Act
LB699 Strommen Referral Change provisions relating to certain sales and use tax incentives under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act
LB707 von Gillern Referral Change provisions relating to project eligibility under the Good Life Transformational Projects Act
LB709 Bostar Referral Adopt the Adoption Tax Credit Act
LB710 Bostar Referral Increase the earned income tax credit
LB712 Hughes Referral Change the tax on sales of electronic nicotine delivery systems
LR10CA Hardin Referral Constitutional amendment to require the state to impose a consumption tax or an excise tax on all new goods and services and to provide a tax exemption for grocery items
LR11CA Hardin Referral Constitutional amendment to prohibit governmental entities from imposing any taxes other than retail consumption taxes and excise taxes
LR12CA Kauth Referral Constitutional amendment to impose a limit on ad valorem taxes for real property, provide a new method of valuing real property for tax purposes, provide certain exceptions, and eliminate conflicting constitutional provisions
LR13CA Hallstrom Referral Constitutional amendment to prohibit the levying of an inheritance tax