Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Legislation Referred To Natural Resources Committee in the 109th Legislature
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Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB309 | Hughes | Referral | Adopt the Safe Battery Collection and Recycling Act |
LB247 | DeKay | Referral | Change provisions relating to fees and distribution of proceeds under the Integrated Solid Waste Management Act and uses of and transfers from the Petroleum Release Remedial Action Cash Fund |
LB167 | Clouse | Referral | Change the sunset date for the Nebraska Litter Reduction and Recycling Act |
LB163 | Spivey | Referral | Create the Office of Climate Action |
LB129 | McKeon | Referral | Prohibit restrictions on the provision of certain energy services |
LB121 | Hardin | Referral | Prohibit land disposal of solar panels and wind turbine blades and the component parts of solar panels and wind turbine blades |
LB91 | DeKay | Referral | Change provisions relating to the conveyance of electric distribution systems by public power districts or public power and irrigation districts to cities or villages |
LB43 | DeKay | Referral | Change provisions relating to notice and certification requirements for electric generation facilities, transmission lines, and privately developed renewable energy generation facilities located near military installations |
LB38 | Jacobson | Referral | Change provisions of the Geologists Regulation Act |
LB36 | Brandt | Referral | Provide for notification of certain regulations and permits to controlling entities by counties, cities, and villages under the Wellhead Protection Area Act |
LB35 | Brandt | Referral | Change provisions relating to the requirements for certain exemptions for privately developed renewable energy generation facilities |
LB20 | Cavanaugh, J. | Referral | Require interconnection for electricity distribution between local distribution systems and agricultural self-generation facilities |