Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Riepe, 12 in All Legislatures

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Document Legislature Primary Introducer Status Description
LB21 105 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to motor vehicle insurance coverage for loaned vehicles
LB41 109 Sen Riepe Referral Change blood test requirements for pregnant women
LB42 109 Sen Riepe Referral Provide for employment of nurse aides in intellectual and developmental disability facilities
LB73 105 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Prohibit the sale or transfer to or use by persons under twenty-one years of age of tobacco, vapor products, and alternative nicotine products
LB138 109 Sen Riepe Referral Change provisions relating to pharmacy dispensing fees under the Medical Assistance Act
LB160 109 Sen Riepe Referral Change examination requirements for a license under the Barber Act
LB203 108 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Provide for a release of employee medical records as prescribed under the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Act
LB204 108 Sen Riepe Passed Provide for reimbursement for pharmacy dispensing fees under the medical assistance program
LB204A 108 Sen Riepe Passed Appropriation Bill
LB210 109 Sen Riepe Referral Provide for fees and assessments for participation and use of the prescription drug monitoring program and the designated health information exchange
LB211 109 Sen Riepe Referral Change provisions relating to the calculation of property tax request authority under the Property Tax Growth Limitation Act
LB242 109 Sen Riepe Referral Change the Property Tax Growth Limitation Act and the School District Property Tax Relief Act and change provisions relating to budget limitations, municipal occupation taxes, and property tax statements
LB261 108 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Change apprenticeship requirements under Funeral Directing and Embalming Practice Act
LB282 108 Sen Riepe Passed Provide for payment of claims and approve a contract claim against the state
LB283 108 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Deny claims against the state
LB284 105 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Change criminal history record information checks under the Child Care Licensing Act
LB285 104 Sen Riepe Passed Change a reporting requirement regarding and provide for distribution of the Civic and Community Center Financing Fund
LB333 105 Sen Riepe Passed Change provisions relating to custody, services, and assistance for persons with developmental disabilities
LB333A 105 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB334 105 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Change Department of Health and Human Services provisions relating to families
LB335 105 Sen Riepe Passed Change provisions relating to a child care market rate survey
LB336 105 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Provide a fee for registry checks under the Child Protection and Family Safety Act
LB337 108 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to disclosure of patient information under the Mental Health Practice Act
LB343 105 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Change credentialing and regulation of cosmetology, nail technology, audiology, massage therapy, and barbers
LB362 105 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Health Savings Account Act and provide an income tax deduction
LB366 109 Sen Riepe Referral Create the Legislative Economic Analysis Unit and the Chief Economist
LB369 104 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to impaired credential holders under the Uniform Credentialing Act
LB370 104 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Provide for an amendment to the medicaid state plan relating to dyslexia treatment
LB396 104 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Allow an income tax credit for certain long-term care insurance policy premiums
LB417 105 Sen Riepe Passed Change and eliminate provisions relating to public health and welfare
LB425 104 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Provide for earned time and discontinue the use of good time
LB426 108 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Change the number of judges on the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court
LB427 108 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Eliminate fees relating to nonresident contractors under the Contractor Registration Act
LB495 105 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to developmental disabilities
LB517 104 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Prohibit certain uses of interactive wireless communication devices while driving
LB518 104 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Provide for changes to the medical assistance program
LB572 108 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Provide, change, and eliminate provisions relating to the Medical Nutrition Therapy Practice Act
LB603 105 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Require a high-deductible plan for state employees' health insurance
LB604 105 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Right to Shop Act and place duties on insurance carriers
LB605 105 Sen Riepe Passed Change rate provisions relating to the ICF/DD Reimbursement Protection Fund
LB606 105 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Volunteer Care Act and change provisions governing remedies for injuries or damages
LB611 108 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for certain health care facility-provided medications
LB663 108 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed State intent to appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services
LB664 108 Sen Riepe Passed Provide powers and duties for the state medicaid fraud control unit and the Attorney General
LB665 108 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Clarify language on rules and regulations under the Employment Security Law
LB666 108 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Employment Security Law
LB680 104 Sen Riepe Passed Change requirements for pharmacy technicians
LB680A 104 Sen Riepe Passed Appropriation Bill
LB732 105 Sen Riepe Passed Change reporting dates for the Nebraska Children's Commission and committees appointed by the commission
LB788 105 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Require continuing education for health care professionals regarding opiate prescriptions
LB793 105 Sen Riepe Passed Eliminate provisions relating to aging and disability resource centers and developmental disabilities services and transfer and appropriate funds
LB794 105 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Change operating requirements regarding intoxicating beverages in cosmetology, esthetics, and nail technology salons
LB817 104 Sen Riepe Passed Adopt the Direct Primary Care Agreement Act
LB840 105 Sen Riepe Passed Change reporting requirements for the Foster Care Review Office
LB905 108 Sen Riepe Passed Require the Department of Health and Human Services to submit a medicaid waiver or state plan amendment for medical respite care, change the definition of respite care, and change provisions relating to the Medicaid Managed Care Excess Profit Fund
LB905A 108 Sen Riepe Passed Appropriation Bill
LB906 108 Sen Riepe Passed Change provisions relating to child labor laws
LB907 108 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Require medicaid coverage for treatment of obesity
LB910 108 Sen Riepe Passed Authorize an emergency medical service to transport and emergency care providers to provide emergency medical care to injured law enforcement canines
LB914 105 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax credit for certain long-term care insurance policy premiums
LB915 105 Sen Riepe Withdrawn Change prohibitions on using handheld wireless communication devices or handheld mobile telephones while driving
LB921 104 Sen Riepe Passed Eliminate provisions relating to organic food
LB924 105 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Emergency Medical Services Practice Act, the Occupational Therapy Practice Act, and the Uniform Credentialing Act
LB982 108 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Provide for employment of nurse aides in intellectual and developmental disabilities facilities
LB1034 105 Sen Riepe Passed Change credentialing provisions for health care professions and occupations and licensure provisions for health care facilities and services and school-age child care programs and adopt the EMS Personnel Licensure Interstate Compact and the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact
LB1034A 105 Sen Riepe Passed Appropriation Bill
LB1035 105 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Stroke System of Care Act
LB1109 108 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Provide an exception under the Preborn Child Protection Act to allow an abortion after twelve weeks in the case of a fatal fetal anomaly and change and eliminate certain penalty provisions relating to abortions
LB1119 105 Sen Riepe Passed Adopt the Direct Primary Care Pilot Program Act and the Nebraska Right to Shop Act
LB1131 105 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Define minor child relating to dissolution of marriage statutes
LB1138 108 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Provide an exemption from requirements for prescribers issuing prescriptions for controlled substances
LB1170 108 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Employment Security Law relating to benefit amounts and periods of disqualification for benefits
LB1173 108 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Provide for use of abstracts of death and change a requirement relating to death certificates
LB1188 108 Sen Riepe Passed Provide for payment of claims against the state
LB1189 108 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Deny claims against the state
LB1376 108 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services for prescription reimbursements
LR11 105 Sen Riepe Referral Interim study to assess the Nebraska medical assistance program and the options for health care reform for Nebraska
LR23 104 Sen Riepe Referral Urge the United States Dept. of Veterans Affairs to provide veterans with direct access to health care services in each local community in Nebraska
LR23CA 108 Sen Riepe Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to prohibit the levying of an inheritance tax
LR86 105 Sen Riepe Congratulate Michaela Lentsch for receiving the Girl Scout Gold Award
LR131 105 Sen Riepe Referral Interim study to examine the distribution and use of federal Title X Program state and federal appropriations
LR174 108 Sen Riepe Referral Interim study to examine issues raised in LB335, 2023, relating to the impact health care staffing agencies have on the delivery of health care services
LR217 105 Sen Riepe Referral Interim study to examine the programs and majors offered by the University of Nebraska at the Lincoln, Omaha, and Kearney campuses
LR218 105 Sen Riepe Referral Interim study to examine the feasibility of consolidating the University of Nebraska Medical Center and the University of Nebraska at Omaha to create a single University of Nebraska institution in Omaha
LR225 108 Sen Riepe Referral Interim study to determine ways to incentivize the growth in the number of apprenticeship programs and youth apprenticeship participants in Nebraska
LR258 105 Sen Riepe Extend sympathy to the family of Dee Huff
LR265 105 Sen Riepe Express appreciation for the achievements of Ralston Public Schools Superintendent Mark Adler
LR275 105 Sen Riepe Express appreciation for the service of Linda Richards
LR309 108 Sen Riepe Adopted Congratulate the American Legion on one hundred five years of service to the military and veterans
LR337 104 Sen Riepe Referral Interim study to examine issues surrounding distracted driving due to texting or using a hand-held device while operating a motor vehicle
LR338 108 Sen Riepe Referral Interim study to examine health care delivery systems situated in rural areas, defined as all counties except Douglas, Lancaster, and Sarpy
LR415 104 Sen Riepe Referral Urge the Nebraska congressional delegation to support and co-sponsor Senate Bill 1989 entitled Primary Care Enhancement Act of 2015
LR420 105 Sen Riepe Referral Interim study to examine possible collaboration between the Dept. of Health and Human Services and the Dept. of Education to address behavioral or mental health issues for Nebraska students
LR433 104 Sen Riepe Congratulate Nathan Andrew Richards on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR490 105 Sen Riepe Congratulate Jocelyn Muhammad for being inducted into the Millard Public Schools Foundation Alumni Hall of Fame
LR491 105 Sen Riepe Congratulate Sonia Garcia Martinez for being selected to receive the World Language Distinguished Scholar Award for Education Service Unit 3
LR492 105 Sen Riepe Congratulate Tim Leuschen for being honored with the Millard Public Schools Foundation Caryl and Katherine Brown Award for Excellence in High School Teaching for 2018
LR493 105 Sen Riepe Congratulate Tony Pane for being inducted into the Millard Public Schools Foundation 2018 Hall of Fame for Excellence in Coaching or Activities
LR494 105 Sen Riepe Congratulate Tricia Gillett for being honored with the Millard Public Schools Foundation Broadmoor Award for Excellence in High School Teaching for 2018
LR548 104 Sen Riepe Referral Interim study to examine issues surrounding youth tobacco use
LR553 104 Sen Riepe Referral Interim study to examine issues surrounding the Medicaid Reform Council
LR572 104 Sen Riepe Referral Interim study to examine issues surrounding the Division of Veterans' Homes of the Dept. of Health and Human Services and wait times for admission to the veterans' homes system
LR582 104 Sen Riepe Referral Interim study to examine how, through better coordination of health services, the state can better assist low-income individuals currently without insurance
LR590 104 Sen Riepe Referral Interim study to examine options to offer incentives to health care professionals who provide free care and services to qualified recipients
LR602 104 Sen Riepe Referral Interim study to examine existing barriers to the delivery of health care services through telehealth technologies in Nebraska