Occupational Board Reform Act

General Information

Committee of Jurisdiction:Health and Human Services
Occupation Regulated:Athletic Training
Occupational Board:Board of Athletic Training
Contact:Claire Covert-ByBee
Purpose:Neb. Rev. Stat. 38-161
Regulated Professionals:485
Year Created:1986
Year Active:1986
Sunset Date:n/a


Statutory Authorization:38-161; 38-167
Parent Agency:Department of Health and Human Services


Number of Members:4
Who Appoints:Neb. Rev. Stat. 38-158; State Board of Health
Legislative Approval:no
Qualifications of Members:Neb. Rev. Stat. 38-164; 38-165
Per Diem:Yes
Expense Reimbursement:Yes
Term Length:Neb. Rev. Stat. 38-163; five years; up to 2 consecutive full 5-year terms
Terms Rotate or Expire at Once:Terms Rotate


Required FY 2019-2018:1
Held FY 2019-2018:5
Required FY 2018-2017:1
Held FY 2018-2017:2
Required FY 2017-2016:1
Held FY 2017-2016:1
Required FY 2016-2015:1
Held FY 2016-2015:1
Required FY 2015-2014:1
Held FY 2015-2014:1


Support Staff:3
Shared or Separate:Shared
FY 2019-2018 Budget:22666
FY 2018-2017 Budget:17271
FY 2017-2016 Budget:21955
FY 2016-2015 Budget:1388
FY 2015-2014 Budget:3855
Other Funding Sources:None; Boards are cash-funded based upon license fees
Spending Authority:The Board does not have spending authority as it is advisory to the Department


Government Certificates Issued:248
Issued Certificate Descriptions:Athletic trainer licenses
Government Certificates Revoked:0
Revoked Certificate Descriptions:n/a
Government Certificates Denied:0
Denied Certificate Descriptions:n/a
Government Certificates Penalties Against:6
Penalty Certificate Descriptions:Administrative Penalty for practice of the profession without an active license.
Explanation of Effectiveness:https://nebraskalegislature.gov/pdf/SurveyDocs/explanation1593033376.pdf
Potential HarmSee previous question.
Regulation Comparison:https://nebraskalegislature.gov/pdf/SurveyDocs/comparison1593033376.pdf
Subject to Regulations of Act(LB407):Yes
Survey Submitted: June 24, 2020 04:16 PM