Occupational Board Reform Act

General Information

Committee of Jurisdiction:Banking, Commerce and Insurance
Occupation Regulated:Insurance agents & insurance related individual licenses
Occupational Board:N/A
Contact:Tom Green
Purpose:Department of Insurance shall have general supervision, control, and regulation of insurance companies, associations, and societies and the business of insurance in Nebraska, including companies in process of organization. The director shall have the powe
Regulated Professionals:109371
Year Created:1913 (licensing may have actually started even earlier)
Year Active:1913
Sunset Date:n/a


Statutory Authorization:44-101,1101-1107, 2606-2635, 3701-3721, 4047-4067, 4901-4910, 5501-5515, 5601-5613, 8801-8808, 9201
Parent Agency:Department of Insurance


Number of Members:n/a - State Agency
Who Appoints:
Legislative Approval:
Qualifications of Members:
Per Diem:
Expense Reimbursement:
Term Length:
Terms Rotate or Expire at Once:


Required FY 2019-2018:0
Held FY 2019-2018:0
Required FY 2018-2017:0
Held FY 2018-2017:0
Required FY 2017-2016:0
Held FY 2017-2016:0
Required FY 2016-2015:0
Held FY 2016-2015:0
Required FY 2015-2014:0
Held FY 2015-2014:0


Support Staff:4
Shared or Separate:Shared
FY 2019-2018 Budget:458035
FY 2018-2017 Budget:389806
FY 2017-2016 Budget:584479
FY 2016-2015 Budget:434307
FY 2015-2014 Budget:556115
Other Funding Sources:n/a
Spending Authority:See budget appropriations


Government Certificates Issued:101567
Issued Certificate Descriptions:"Issued" in this context means that a license was given by the Department
Government Certificates Revoked:93
Revoked Certificate Descriptions:"Revoked" refers to situations where the Department has taken away a previously issued license
Government Certificates Denied:51
Denied Certificate Descriptions:"Denied" refers to both initial license applications that were rejected, along with
Government Certificates Penalties Against:60
Penalty Certificate Descriptions:"Penalties Against" refers to situations when an existing license holder had a license suspended and/or a fine levied against them
Explanation of Effectiveness:https://nebraskalegislature.gov/pdf/SurveyDocs/explanation1576790941.pdf
Potential HarmPrimarily, Nebraska would lose its authority to monitor the Nebraska insurance industry and remove bad actors. As noted above, insurance producers have access to sensitive personal health and financial information of Nebraska consumers and, as such, must
Regulation Comparison:https://nebraskalegislature.gov/pdf/SurveyDocs/comparison1576790941.pdf
Subject to Regulations of Act(LB407):No
Survey Submitted: December 19, 2019 03:29 PM