(1) For each type of pickle card unit marketed in this state, the department shall determine the following: (a) When a licensed organization sells pickle cards through pickle card operators, the portion of the definite profit from that pickle card unit which shall go to the licensed organization, such amount to be not less than seventy percent of the definite profit from such pickle card unit; (b) the maximum amount of the definite profit from the sale of a pickle card unit that a licensed organization may pay a pickle card operator as a commission, fee, or salary to sell its pickle cards, such amount not to exceed thirty percent of the definite profit from such pickle card unit; (c) the portion of the definite profit from the sale of a pickle card unit which may be expended by a licensed organization for allowable expenses, such amount not to exceed twelve percent of the definite profit from such pickle card unit; and (d) the portion of the definite profit from the sale of a pickle card unit which may be utilized by a licensed organization for payment of the organization's sales agent, such amount to be a portion of the allowable expenses and not to exceed six percent of the definite profit from such pickle card unit.
(2) The licensed organization's net profit from the sale of a pickle card unit shall be used exclusively for a lawful purpose. A licensed organization shall not donate or promise to donate its net profit or any portion of the net profit to a recipient outside of its organization as an inducement for or in exchange for (a) a payment, gift, or other thing of value from the recipient to any person, organization, or corporation, including, but not limited to, the licensed organization or any of its members, employees, or agents, or (b) a pickle card operator's agreement to sell pickle cards on behalf of the licensed organization.