(1) The school of any student who is identified as having a reading deficiency shall notify such student's parents or guardians either in writing or by electronic communication no later than fifteen working days after the identification of the reading deficiency that the student has been identified as having a reading deficiency and that an individualized reading improvement plan will be established and shared with the parents or guardians.
(2) Any student who is identified as having a reading deficiency shall receive an individualized reading improvement plan, which shall include a supplemental reading intervention program, no later than thirty days after the identification of such reading deficiency. The reading improvement plan may be created by the teacher, the principal, other pertinent school personnel, and the parents or guardians of the student and shall describe the reading intervention services the student will receive through the supplemental reading intervention program pursuant to section 79-2605 to remedy such reading deficiency. Each such student shall receive reading intervention services through the supplemental reading intervention program pursuant to section 79-2605 until the student is no longer identified as having a reading deficiency.