(1) The tax credit approved and certified by the board under section 77-5211 for an owner of agricultural assets in the first, second, or third year of a qualifying rental agreement shall be equal to (a) ten percent of the gross rental income stated in a rental agreement that is a cash rent agreement or (b) fifteen percent of the cash equivalent of the gross rental income in a rental agreement that is a share-rent agreement. Tax credits shall only be approved and certified for rental agreements that are approved and certified by the board under the Beginning Farmer Tax Credit Act.
(2) To qualify for the greater rate of credit allowed under subdivision (1)(b) of this section, a share-rent agreement shall provide for sharing of production expenses or risk of loss, or both, between the agricultural asset owner and the qualified beginning farmer or livestock producer. The board may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations, consistent with the policy objectives of the act, to further define the standards that share-rent agreements shall meet for approval and certification of the tax credit under the act.
(3) The board shall review each existing three-year rental agreement between a beginning farmer or livestock producer and an owner of agricultural assets on an annual basis and shall either certify or terminate program eligibility for beginning farmers or livestock producers or tax credits granted to owners of agricultural assets on an annual basis.