Sales and use taxes shall not be imposed on the gross receipts from the sale, lease, or rental of and the storage, use, or other consumption in this state of property and any associated labor, or the gross receipts from the provision of services within this state, which is shipped to a point outside this state, when the contract of sale or service is expressly or impliedly contingent upon delivery by the retailer to such point by means of facilities operated by the retailer, delivery by the retailer to a carrier for shipment to a consignee at such point, delivery by the retailer to the customer at airport facilities for immediate transport outside this state, delivery by the retailer to the United States post office for delivery outside this state, or delivery by the retailer to a customs broker or forwarding agent for shipment outside this state. Such exemption shall include the amount charged for fabrication, installation, or application of property furnished by the customer which is fabricated, installed, or applied in this state and then shipped by the retailer performing the fabrication, installation, or application to a point outside of this state. This shall also include the gross receipts from sales of property to a common or contract carrier shipped by the seller via the purchasing carrier under a bill of lading, whether the freight is paid in advance or the shipment is made freight charges collect, to a point outside this state and the property is actually transported to the out-of-state destination for use by the carrier in the conduct of its business as a common or contract carrier.