(1) A health carrier which provides a covered benefit for emergency services is, subject to the terms and conditions of the health benefit plan, responsible for charges for medically necessary emergency services provided to a covered person, including services furnished outside the network and services deemed approved under subsection (2) of this section.
(2) If a treating physician or other emergency department personnel who have provided emergency services to a covered person determine that additional medically necessary services are promptly needed by the covered person and they have requested health carrier approval for such services, the health carrier is deemed to have approved the request if the treating physician or other emergency department personnel involved:
(a) Has made a reasonable effort to contact the individual at the health carrier authorized to approve such requests and the health carrier has not provided access to that individual; or
(b) Has requested authorization from the individual at the health carrier authorized to approve such requests and the individual has not denied authorization within thirty minutes after the time the request was made, unless the health carrier can document that it had made a good faith effort but was unable to reach the emergency physician within thirty minutes after receiving a request for authorization.
A request which is deemed approved under this subsection shall be treated as approval for any medically necessary covered benefits that are required to treat the medical condition identified by the treating physician or other emergency department personnel.
(3) A health carrier may impose a reasonable copayment for emergency services to deter inappropriate use of services of hospital emergency departments if the copayment is the same without regard to whether the health care provider has a contractual or other arrangement with the health carrier.