(1) No emergency care provider, physician assistant, registered nurse, or licensed practical nurse who provides public emergency care shall be liable in any civil action to respond in damages as a result of his or her acts of commission or omission arising out of and in the course of his or her rendering in good faith any such care. Nothing in this subsection shall be deemed to grant any such immunity for liability arising out of the operation of any motor vehicle, aircraft, or boat or while such person was impaired by alcoholic liquor or any controlled substance enumerated in section 28-405 in connection with such care, nor shall immunity apply to any person causing damage or injury by his or her willful, wanton, or grossly negligent act of commission or omission.
(2) No qualified physician or qualified physician surrogate who gives orders, either orally or by communication equipment, to any emergency care provider at the scene of an emergency, no emergency care provider following such orders within the limits of his or her licensure, and no emergency care provider trainee in an approved training program following such orders, shall be liable civilly or criminally by reason of having issued or followed such orders but shall be subject to the rules of law applicable to negligence.
(3) No physician medical director shall incur any liability by reason of his or her use of any unmodified protocol, standing order, operating procedure, or guideline provided by the board pursuant to subdivision (9) of section 38-1217.