The commission, upon ascertaining what ditch or ditches are practicable to be screened, shall give notice in writing to the person, firm, or corporation owning, operating, or controlling such ditch or ditches. The notice shall set forth the size of the woven screen necessary to be set in place at the mouth of the ditch or ditches. The mesh of such screen shall be no larger than one inch and shall be so placed and maintained at the mouth of each irrigation ditch designated by the commission as to prevent the passage of fish therein except such as may pass through the meshes of the screen. The screens shall be provided by the commission at cost to the person, firm, or corporation owning, operating, or controlling the ditch or ditches to be screened. For each day's failure to keep such screen in repair and for each day's neglect after the twentieth day to comply with the written notice, the commission may recover the sum of five dollars per day as liquidated damages for the loss to the state on account of the fish thereby lost or destroyed, and the offending party shall further be guilty of a Class III misdemeanor.