Journal Summary for August 15th, 2024

Document Number Description Journal Page
LB34 Placed on Select File with ER1 161
LB34 Enrollment and Review ER1 filed 161
LB3 Conrad MO14 withdrawn 162
LB3 Appropriations AM41 pending 162
LB3 Conrad MO30 failed 162
LB3 Bostelman AM100 lost 162
LB3 Cavanaugh, M. MO165 Reconsider the vote taken on AM100 filed 163
LB3 Cavanaugh, M. MO165 failed 163
LB3 Cavanaugh, M. AM107 to AM41 filed 163
LB3 Cavanaugh, M. AM107 withdrawn 163
LB3 Cavanaugh, M. AM116 to AM41 filed 163
LB3 Cavanaugh, M. AM116 pending 163
LR2CA Placed on General File 163
LB3 Cavanaugh, M. AM116 adopted 164
LB3 Wayne MO164 Reorder the Speaker's agenda pursuant to Rule 1, Sec. 16 to allow for the immediate debate of LR1CA before LB3 filed 164
LB3 Wayne MO164 withdrawn 164
LB3 Wayne FA126 to AM41 filed 164
LB3 Wayne FA126 lost 165
LB3 Wayne MO166 Reconsider the vote taken on FA126 filed 165
LB3 Wayne MO166 failed 166
LB3 Wayne FA127 to AM41 filed 166
LB3 Wayne FA127 lost 166
LB3 Wayne MO168 Reconsider the vote taken on FA127 filed 167
LB3 Wayne MO168 withdrawn 167
LB3 McKinney FA131 to AM41 filed 167
LB3 McKinney FA131 lost 167
LB3 Wayne MO170 Reconsider the vote taken on FA131 filed 168
LB3 Wayne MO170 prevailed 168
LB3 McKinney FA131 adopted 168
LB3 Wayne FA128 to AM41 filed 168
LB3 Wayne FA128 lost 168
LB3 Wayne MO171 Reconsider the vote taken on FA128 filed 168
LB3 Wayne MO171 failed 168
LB3 Wayne FA129 to AM41 filed 168
LB3 Wayne FA129 withdrawn 168
LB3 Clements MO172 Invoke cloture pursuant to Rule 7, Sec. 10 filed 169
LB3 Clements MO172 prevailed 169
LB3 Appropriations AM41 adopted 169
LB3 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 169
LB5 Indefinitely postponed 169
LB18 Indefinitely postponed 169
LB2 Placed on Select File with ER2 170
LB2 Enrollment and Review ER2 filed 170
LB3 Cavanaugh, M. AM107 filed 170
LB13 Linehan MO169 Place on General File pursuant to Rule 9, Sec. 7 filed 170
LB21 Indefinitely postponed 170
LB34A Brewer FA111 withdrawn 170
LB34A Brewer FA112 withdrawn 170
LB34A Wayne MO173 Bracket until January 7, 2025 filed 170
LB34A Wayne MO173 withdrawn 170
LB74 Indefinitely postponed 170
LB34A Brewer AM95 adopted 171
LB34A Wayne MO175 Indefinitely postpone filed 171
LB34A Brewer MO180 Invoke cloture pursuant to Rule 7, Sec. 10 filed 171
LB34A Brewer MO180 prevailed 171
LB2 Cavanaugh, M. AM114 to AM39 filed 172
LB2 McKinney AM123 to AM39 filed 172
LB3 Wayne MO167 Reorder the Speaker's agenda pursuant to Rule 1, Sec. 16 to allow for the immediate debate of LR1CA before LB3 filed 172
LB13 Conrad MO176 Indefinitely postpone pursuant to Rule 6, Sec. 3(f) filed 172
LB13 Conrad MO178 Recommit to the General Affairs Committee filed 172
LB13 Conrad MO179 Bracket until August 20, 2024 filed 172
LB34 Enrollment and Review ER1 adopted 172
LB34 Linehan FA104 not considered 172
LB34 Ibach FA105 not considered 172
LB34A Wayne MO175 failed 172
LB34A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 172
LB34 Ibach FA106 not considered 173
LB34 Ibach FA107 not considered 173
LB34 Dungan FA108 not considered 173
LB34 Dungan FA109 not considered 173
LB34 Hunt FA110 not considered 173
LB34 Dungan FA116 not considered 173
LB34 Dungan FA117 not considered 173
LB34 Dungan FA118 not considered 173
LB34 Cavanaugh, J. FA119 not considered 173
LB34 DeBoer FA120 not considered 173
LB34 Linehan FA88 not considered 173
LB34 Linehan FA89 not considered 173
LB34 Cavanaugh, M. FA93 not considered 173
LB34 Cavanaugh, M. FA94 not considered 173
LB34 Linehan MO133 pending 173
LB34 Linehan MO133 pending 173
LB34 Linehan AM109 to AM84 filed 174
LB34 Linehan AM124 to AM109 filed 174
LB34 Linehan FA142 to AM109 filed 175
LB34 Riepe AM115 to AM84 filed 175
LB34 Linehan FA139 filed 175
LB34 Linehan FA140 filed 175
LB34 Linehan FA141 filed 175
LB34 Linehan FA154 to AM109 filed 175
LB34 Linehan FA155 to AM109 filed 175
LB34 Linehan FA156 to AM109 filed 175
LB34 Linehan FA157 to AM109 filed 175
LB34 Linehan FA158 to AM109 filed 175
LB34 Linehan FA159 to AM109 filed 175
LB34 Linehan FA160 to AM109 filed 175
LB34 Linehan FA161 to AM109 filed 176
LB34 Linehan FA151 to AM109 filed 176
LB34 Linehan FA152 to AM109 filed 176
LB34 Linehan FA153 to AM109 filed 176