Considered Amendment Details - LB959

Number Introducer Explanation Status Journal
MO169 Heidemann Override prevailed 0
AM2361 Rogert Amendments to Committee amendments adopted 1037
AM2450 Kruse Amendments to Committee amendments adopted 1038
AM2437 Heidemann Amendments to Committee amendments adopted 1037
AM2451 Rogert Amendments to Committee amendments adopted 1049
AM2441 Rogert Withdraw and substitute AM2451 withdrawn 1038
FA234 Erdman Amendments to AM2145 lost 1045
MO150 Erdman Bracket withdrawn 0
MO149 Erdman Unanimous consent unanimous consent 0
AM2401 Erdman Withdraw and subtitute FA234 withdrawn 1009
AM2434 Erdman Amendments to Committee amendments adopted 1037
AM2171 Erdman Withdraw and substitute AM2434 withdrawn 999
FA220 Chambers Amendments to Committee amendments adopted 989
ER8207 Enrollment and Review adopted 1000
AM2145 Appropriations adopted 917
FA217 Chambers Amendments to Committee amendments lost 983
FA216 White Amendments to Committee amendments withdrawn 983
FA212 Erdman Amendments to Committee amendments lost 982