Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Brewer, 43 in the 108th Legislature

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB34 Sen Brewer Delivered to Governor Adopt the Property Tax Growth Limitation Act and the School District Property Tax Relief Act and change provisions relating to revenue and taxation
LB34A Sen Brewer Delivered to Governor Appropriation Bill
LB35 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Adjust the nameplate capacity tax for inflation
LB77 Sen Brewer Passed Provide for carrying of concealed handguns without a permit, change provisions relating to concealed weapons, and prohibit certain regulation of weapons by cities, villages, and counties
LB199 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Provide for a driving privilege card for federally authorized aliens
LB250 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Require periodic command climate surveys of the Nebraska National Guard
LB250A Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB251 Sen Brewer Withdrawn Change tax provisions relating to cigars, cheroots, and stogies
LB252 Sen Brewer Passed Change provisions relating to veterans' homes, veterans' aid, and the Department of Veterans' Affairs
LB253 Sen Brewer Passed Provide for creation of a veteran justice program
LB254 Sen Brewer Passed Provide and change requirements relating to video coverage of the Legislature, performance audits, and the Legislative Mental Health Care Capacity Strategic Planning Committee
LB254A Sen Brewer Passed Appropriation Bill
LB255 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Change eminent domain and renewable energy generation provisions relating to certain power suppliers
LB256 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Change provisions related to insurance coverage of telehealth
LB265 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Require protective vests and safety training for correctional officers and allow Department of Health and Human Services employees to use justified force in defense of self or others
LB266 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Change provisions regarding eligibility for Military Honor license plates
LB267 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Critical Infrastructure Utility Worker Protection Act
LB277 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Adopt the First Freedom Act and authorize the wearing of tribal regalia by students
LB287 Sen Brewer Passed Eliminate obsolete provisions relating to the 2020 federal decennial census and provide, change, and eliminate provisions relating to petitions, proof of publication, conflicts of interest, voter registration and voting as prescribed in the Election Act, and notice and virtual conferencing requirements under the Open Meetings Act, and eliminate powers and duties of the Attorney General and the Secretary of State
LB287A Sen Brewer Passed Appropriation Bill
LB399 Sen Brewer Passed Change provisions relating to certain proposed electric generation facilities and privately developed renewable energy generation facilities
LB400 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Pheasant Restoration Act
LB450 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Prohibit land disposal of wind turbine blades and their component parts
LB451 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Provide for the Department of Health and Human Services to award a grant to assist a rehabilitation hospital
LB456 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Provide for claims for monetary compensation for damage caused by elk or mountain lions and authorize the control of elk and mountain lion populations
LB471 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Rename and change provisions of the Engineers and Architects Regulation Act to include provisions relating to registered interior designers and to create a voluntary registry for interior designers
LB511 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Administrative Services
LB512 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Change the number of locations allowed for a craft brewery or microdistillery under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
LB513 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Change proof of publication requirements for legal notices and requirements for published notice and virtual conferencing under the Open Meetings Act
LB514 Sen Brewer Passed Provide for valid photographic identification for voting purposes and change provisions relating to voting and counting ballots and certain identification documents
LB514A Sen Brewer Passed Appropriation Bill
LB642 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Provide duties for the Adjutant General regarding Nebraska National Guard members impacted by the COVID-19 vaccine mandate
LB643 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Abandoned Mobile Home Act and change provisions relating to abandoned vehicles
LB731 Sen Brewer Passed Provide for service by state agency department heads in reserve components of the armed forces of the United States
LB847 Sen Brewer Passed Change provisions relating to emergency response agreements with other states and withdraw from the Interstate Civil Defense and Disaster Compact
LB848 Sen Brewer Passed Change the maximum age for the Adjutant General
LB883 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Eliminate a requirement to obtain a handgun purchase certificate and change provisions on criminal history record checks for firearms and explosives
LB887 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Nonprofit Security Grant Program Act
LB887A Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB915 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Provide financing authority to the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges related to student housing or student activity facilities
LB916 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Controlled Substance Offenses Forfeiture Act and change provisions relating to forfeiture
LB973 Sen Brewer Withdrawn Provide for free issuance of annual combination fishing, fur-harvesting, and hunting permits, habitat stamps, aquatic habitat stamps, and Nebraska migratory waterfowl stamps to certain veterans
LB1037 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Prohibit certain conduct relating to assistance or referrals in veterans benefits matters
LB1068 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the appointment, certification, and convening of presidential electors
LB1152 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to elections, motor vehicle operators' licenses, and state identification cards
LB1246 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to county government
LB1275 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Administrative Services
LB1276 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to issuance of certain liquor licenses in a city of the second class or village under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
LB1327 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Restate findings under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB1339 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to possession of firearms in schools and authorize schools to provide emergency response mapping data to public safety agencies
LB1394 Sen Brewer Passed Exempt Nebraska National Guard income from state income taxation
LB1394A Sen Brewer Passed Appropriation Bill
LB1417 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Create, eliminate, terminate, and provide, change, eliminate, and transfer powers, duties, and membership of boards, commissions, committees, councils, task forces, panels, authorities, and departments and change and eliminate funds
LR21 Sen Brewer Indefinitely postponed Provide for a special committee of the Legislature to be known as the Small Modular Nuclear Reactor Study Committee
LR55 Sen Brewer Adopted Congratulate Jerry Adams of Adams Land and Cattle, LLC, on being inducted into the Cattle Feeders Hall of Fame
LR63 Sen Brewer Adopted Recognize the week of May 8 through May 13, 2023, as Paralyzed Veterans of America Week in Nebraska
LR143 Sen Brewer Referral Interim study to review applicable court precedent related to the Nebraska Indian Child Welfare Act to determine whether a legislative response is appropriate to clarify the law
LR178 Sen Brewer Referral Interim study to create a Select Committee to examine the feasibility of constructing and operating small modular nuclear reactors to generate electric power in Nebraska
LR220 Sen Brewer Referral Interim study to examine laws governing school security policy
LR221 Sen Brewer Referral Interim study to review the credentialing requirements for interior designers for purposes of the Occupational Board Reform Act
LR222 Sen Brewer Referral Interim study to review the credentialing requirements for landscape architects for purposes of the Occupational Board Reform Act
LR223 Sen Brewer Referral Interim study to review the credentialing requirements for notaries public for purposes of the Occupational Board Reform Act
LR224 Sen Brewer Referral Interim study to examine laws governing the ring-necked pheasant upland game bird in hopes of improving the population of the species
LR362 Sen Brewer Referral Interim study to examine the dangers posed by artificial intelligence for elections
LR363 Sen Brewer Referral Interim study to review the credentialing requirements for water-based fire protection system contractors in furtherance of the purposes of the Occupational Board Reform Act
LR364 Sen Brewer Referral Interim study to review the credentialing requirements for private detectives, private detective agencies, and plain clothes investigators in furtherance of the purposes of the Occupational Board Reform Act
LR390 Sen Brewer Referral Interim study to determine whether Nebraska statutes should be changed to accommodate official recognition of customary adoptions
LR446 Sen Brewer Adopted Congratulate the National Society of Pershing Rifles on the 130th anniversary of the founding of the organization
LR460 Sen Brewer Adopted Congratulate the Nebraska Agriculture Academy and its student participants for their work in agriculture education
LR494 Sen Brewer Adopted Congratulate the Ainsworth High School boys basketball team on winning second place in the 2024 Class D-1 state tournament and the Ainsworth student body for receiving the Class D-1 Sportsmanship Award