Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Quick, 35 in the 109th Legislature

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB60 Sen Quick General File Eliminate the restriction on selling a lottery ticket through a vending or dispensing device under the State Lottery Act
LB111 Sen Quick Referral Prohibit certain actions of insurers relating to repairing motor vehicles and nonoriginal equipment manufacturer parts
LB112 Sen Quick Referral Change provisions relating to salvage branded certificates of title
LB113 Sen Quick Select File Change provisions relating to licensees under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
LB192 Sen Quick General File Eliminate a sunset date under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
LB255 Sen Quick Referral Provide for use of the Opioid Treatment Infrastructure Cash Fund for problem solving courts
LB256 Sen Quick Referral Adopt the Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Compact
LB257 Sen Quick Referral Change reciprocity provisions for credentialing of marriage and family therapists
LB281 Sen Quick Referral Change provisions relating to the Board of Nursing and eliminate the Board of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
LB364 Sen Quick General File Change provisions relating to legislative approval of an indication of intent to incorporate land into the state park system
LB365 Sen Quick Referral Require coverage of self-measure blood pressure monitoring services under the Medical Assistance Act
LB454 Sen Quick Referral Change provisions relating to regional behavioral health authorities and the Behavioral Health Services Fund and provide for a pilot project
LB484 Sen Quick Referral Redefine agricultural land and horticultural land for property tax assessment
LB485 Sen Quick Referral Provide for confidentiality for train crew members involved with railroad fatalities and access to confidential information of train crew members and exempt train crew members from being required to display operator's licenses to law enforcement
LB486 Sen Quick Referral Require the Department of Health and Human Services to implement standards for reimbursement for certain service providers
LB515 Sen Quick Referral Provide requirements for certain prescription refills
LB516 Sen Quick Referral Eliminate provisions relating to counties maintaining office space for the Department of Health and Human Services
LB565 Sen Quick Referral Provide and change requirements relating to agency guidance documents
LB566 Sen Quick Referral Eliminate a sunset date relating to an income tax credit for the purchase of certain residential property
LB567 Sen Quick Referral Authorize school policies relating to community engagement
LR17 Sen Quick Referral Approve the indication of intent by the Game and Parks Commission to incorporate Camp Augustine into the state park system