Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for McDonnell, 5 in the 108th Legislature

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB72 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to valuation of residential real property for property tax purposes
LB73 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to homestead exemptions
LB74 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change requirements relating to proposals for constitutional amendments submitted by the Legislature
LB75 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Long-Term Owner Homestead Exemption Act
LB76 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Employee Contributions Tax Incentive Act
LB77 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Long-Term Resident Homestead Exemption Act
LB78 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the issuance of bonds in a city of the metropolitan class
LB103 Sen McDonnell Passed Change provisions of the County Employees Retirement Act, the Judges Retirement Act, the Nebraska State Patrol Retirement Act, the School Employees Retirement Act, and the State Employees Retirement Act
LB104 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the County Employees Retirement Act, the Judges Retirement Act, the School Employees Retirement Act, the Nebraska State Patrol Retirement Act, and the State Employees Retirement Act
LB105 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of public employee retirement plans relating to military service
LB106 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Create the offense of digital grooming of a vulnerable adult and prohibit using an electronic communication device or social media to engage in certain conduct with vulnerable adults
LB107 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Create the offense of digital grooming and prohibit using an electronic communication device or social media to engage in certain conduct with minors
LB108 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed State intent regarding appropriations to the Department of Health and Human Services for community health centers
LB109 Sen McDonnell Withdrawn Require county boards of corrections in certain counties to act with advice of the county sheriff
LB110 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change potential conditions of pretrial release and provide for a pretrial risk assessment services pilot project
LB111 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Volunteer Service Commission Act
LB112 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed State intent regarding appropriations to the Department of Health and Human Services for child advocacy centers
LB113 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for federal four and nine percent low-income housing tax credit programs
LB158 Sen McDonnell Withdrawn Appropriate funds to the Department of Agriculture
LB159 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Fostering Independence Higher Education Grant Act
LB160 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change contribution rates relating to supplemental retirement plans for certain law enforcement personnel under the County Employees Retirement Act
LB161 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Workplace Privacy Act
LB162 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Prohibit tampering with electronic monitoring devices required by court order or as a condition of parole
LB196A Sen McDonnell Passed Appropriation Bill
LB197 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Redefine eligible employees voting in a referendum relating to social security
LB198 Sen McDonnell Passed Change provisions relating to participation in and implementation of public retirement provisions
LB334 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Reentry Housing Network Act and provide a duty for the Department of Correctional Services and the Board of Parole
LB378 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change retirement system participation provisions
LB417 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Provide for a leadership academy for law enforcement professionals
LB459 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Require reimbursement by the State Fire Marshal for premiums for benefits provided pursuant to the Firefighter Cancer Benefits Act
LB460 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Provide for reimbursement of mental health examinations and resilience training for certain persons under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act
LB470 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed State intent regarding an increase in reimbursement rates for child welfare service providers
LB607 Sen McDonnell Passed Change provisions relating to grants for the 211 Information and Referral Network
LB608 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed State intent to appropriate funds to the Department of Economic Development
LB609 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed State intent to appropriate funds for construction of a Vietnam War memorial
LB612 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Administrative Services
LB613 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed State intent to appropriate funds to the Department of Environment and Energy
LB614 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Agriculture
LB615 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the State Fire Marshal
LB616 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Provide for awards under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act relating to the federal Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) for America Act
LB617 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Create the Economic Development Cash Fund to award a grant relating to the federal Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) for America Act
LB618 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Redefine public benefits and change provisions of the Employment Security Law relating to the disqualification of certain aliens
LB619 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Prohibit assault on a public transportation driver and clarify provisions relating to assault on officers, emergency responders, certain employees, and health care professionals
LB620 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to arraignment and hearings for certain juveniles
LB621 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Site and Building Development Act
LB622 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change the Sports Arena Facility Financing Assistance Act
LB623 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Redefine eligible sports arena facility under the Sports Arena Facility Financing Assistance Act
LB624 Sen McDonnell Passed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Tourism Commission
LB625 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for operation of autonomous vehicles
LB644 Sen McDonnell Passed Change provisions relating to the use of the Site and Building Development Fund
LB644A Sen McDonnell Passed Appropriation Bill
LB645 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to state highways and roads
LB646 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to telecommunications
LB647 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the purchase and loan of textbooks for children enrolled in kindergarten to grade twelve of a private school
LB647A Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB648 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Provide powers and duties to the State Department of Education relating to the development of a workforce diploma program
LB649 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions and penalties relating to arson, trespass, and graffiti
LB650 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Allow certain cybersecurity records to be withheld from the public
LB651 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Provide for appropriations relating to cybersecurity improvements for state agencies and political subdivisions
LB652 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds to the Department of Health and Human Services
LB653 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds to the Department of Health and Human Services
LB654 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Legislative Council
LB655 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the State Fire Marshal
LB656 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Small Watersheds Flood Control Fund
LB657 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the University of Nebraska
LB658 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Public Employees Retirement Board
LB659 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Public Employees Retirement Board
LB728 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to registration of trailers under the Motor Vehicle Registration Act
LB729 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Jobs and Economic Development Initiative Fund
LB948 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Provide certain requirements for redevelopment contracts under the Community Development Law
LB1077 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Labor to provide grants for facility expansion relating to workforce development and career readiness programs
LB1078 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed State intent to appropriate funds for increase in rates for child welfare service providers
LB1079 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Appropriate Federal Funds to the Department of Economic Development
LB1099 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change the use of appropriated Federal Funds for nursing scholarships
LB1100 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to capitation payments made in accordance with the Medical Assistance Act as prescribed
LB1154 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services
LB1155 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds to the Department of Health and Human Services and state intent relating to appropriations
LB1242 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed State intent to appropriate funds to the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska
LB1243 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Wildland Fire Response Act
LB1244 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Appropriate Federal Funds to the Department of Natural Resources
LB1245 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Lead Service Line Cash Fund and provide for grants
LB1280 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Provide eligibility for child care assistance to qualified apprentices and semiconductor workers
LB1281 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to when a juvenile detained or placed in an alternative to detention must be released
LB1282 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Provide for youth renewal centers for high-risk youth
LB1357 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Prohibit camping on certain property owned by political subdivisions
LB1358 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Require approval of the registered voters to increase salaries of governing bodies of political subdivisions as prescribed
LB1359 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the issuance of bonds in a city of the metropolitan class
LB1360 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Create the Court Security and Service Reimbursement Program
LB1361 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Long-Term Resident Homestead Exemption Act
LB1362 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the valuation of residential property for property tax purposes
LB1363 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the rate and disbursement of the documentary stamp tax, the Military Base Development and Support Fund, the Economic Recovery Contingency Fund, and the Health Care Homes for the Medically Underserved Fund, and change inheritance tax rates
LB1363A Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB1364 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Site and Building Development Act and provide for a transfer from the Cash Reserve Fund
LB1365 Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to retirement, the Public Employees Retirement Board, the Nebraska Public Employees Retirement Systems, and the State Personnel System
LR24CA Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment authorizing the Legislature to provide a different method of taxing residential real property
LR68 Sen McDonnell Adopted Recognize Battalion Chief Robert McDonnell for thirty years of service and dedication as a firefighter with the City of Omaha and congratulate him on his retirement
LR78 Sen McDonnell Adopted Extend sympathy to the family of Caterina Malara and express appreciation for her contributions to the state and her community
LR80 Sen McDonnell Adopted Congratulate Mark Lampe on his retirement from the Omaha Fire Department and commend him for his exemplary career
LR136 Sen McDonnell Referral Interim study to examine the critical role federally qualified health centers play in expanding access to health care in Nebraska
LR153 Sen McDonnell Referral Interim study to examine the fiscal impact of statutory tuition and fee waivers for various constituencies on Nebraska's public university, state colleges, and community colleges
LR156 Sen McDonnell Referral Interim study to examine the firefighting response to wildfires in Nebraska
LR157 Sen McDonnell Referral Interim study to examine the retirement systems administered by the Public Employees Retirement Board
LR158 Sen McDonnell Referral Interim study to carry out the provisions of section 13-2402, which requires the Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee to monitor underfunded defined benefit plans
LR159 Sen McDonnell Referral Interim study to examine the retirement system for firefighters of cities of the first class and the creation of a cash balance retirement system
LR160 Sen McDonnell Referral Interim study to examine the retirement system for firefighters of cities of the first class and the changes proposed in LB406, 2023
LR161 Sen McDonnell Referral Interim study to examine the Nebraska State Patrol Retirement System and the changes proposed in LB196, 2023
LR193 Sen McDonnell Referral Interim study to research and explore employee privacy concerns related to digital tracking in nonemergency situations
LR194 Sen McDonnell Referral Interim study to research, through collaboration among various stakeholders, ways to address juvenile justice reform
LR195 Sen McDonnell Referral Interim study to conduct a comprehensive examination of Nebraska's state highway system and the priorities and resource allocation methods for the system
LR196 Sen McDonnell Referral Interim study to review ways to eliminate or reduce the current waiting list for services that adults with developmental disabilities experience
LR197 Sen McDonnell Referral Interim study to conduct a comprehensive examination of the need for Nebraska to foster development of large industrial and commercial business sites
LR198 Sen McDonnell Referral Interim study to explore support and supplemental funding for public and nonprofit providers of emergency medical services
LR199 Sen McDonnell Referral Interim study to research, through collaboration among stakeholders, ways to address youth and adult behavioral health issues
LR238 Sen McDonnell Referral Interim study to examine the location of recreational vehicle parks, entertainment venues, and other recreational development and the impact of zoning regulations related to flooding on locating such facilities
LR239 Sen McDonnell Referral Interim study to explore the feasibility and benefits of requiring wireless interconnected fire alarms in residential dwellings, similar to an ordinance passed by the city of Norfolk, to enhance fire safety and early warning systems for residents
LR250 Sen McDonnell Referral Interim study to consider changes to the Property Assessed Clean Energy Act and to property assessed clean energy financing for real estate development projects
LR253 Sen McDonnell Adopted Congratulate Randy Gerke on his retirement and extend appreciation for his nineteen years of outstanding service to the State of Nebraska
LR261 Sen McDonnell Adopted Acknowledge efforts involved in establishing a sister city relationship between Omaha, Nebraska and Accra, Ghana
LR285CA Sen McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment authorizing the Legislature to provide a different method of taxing residential property
LR295 Sen McDonnell Adopted Extend sympathy to the family of Mark Dahir and recognize his extraordinary life and indelible contributions to the Omaha community
LR382 Sen McDonnell Referral Interim study to examine the governance and representation of the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska
LR406 Sen McDonnell Referral Interim study to explore the development of an institution dedicated to providing instruction, orientation, and professional development tailored for elected officials and office holders in Nebraska
LR407 Sen McDonnell Referral Interim study to examine the City of Omaha Employees' Retirement System for Omaha's civilian employees and the City of Omaha Police and Fire Retirement System for Omaha's police and fire employees
LR408 Sen McDonnell Adopted Interim study to examine the Nebraska Public Employees Retirement Systems administered by the Public Employees Retirement Board
LR409 Sen McDonnell Referral Interim study to carry out the provisions of section 13-2402, which requires the Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee to monitor underfunded defined benefit plans administered by political subdivisions
LR480 Sen McDonnell Adopted Congratulate Dr. Jeffrey Gold on his outstanding public service to the University of Nebraska system