Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Thursday January 05, 2023

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR7CA Erdman Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to require the state to impose a consumption tax or an excise tax on all new goods and services and to provide a tax exemption for grocery items
LR6CA Erdman Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to prohibit governmental entities from imposing any taxes other than retail consumption taxes and excise taxes
LR5 Blood Indefinitely postponed Legislative Resolution to ratify an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relating to regulation of child labor
LR4CA Cavanaugh, M. Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to remove felony convictions other than treason from being a disqualification for voting
LR3CA Cavanaugh, J. Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to provide for nonpartisan nomination and election of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Auditor of Public Accounts, and State Treasurer
LR2CA Erdman Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendments to change from a unicameral legislature to a bicameral legislature, provide for election of members of the Legislature on a partisan ballot, require election of legislative officers and committee chairpersons by a public vote, and require all meetings of the Legislature to be open to the public
LR1CA Blood Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to require the Legislature to reimburse political subdivisions as prescribed
LB91 Hansen, B. Indefinitely postponed Change motorcycle, moped, and autocycle helmet and eye protection provisions
LB90 Dorn Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to tax incentive performance audits
LB89 Hunt Indefinitely postponed Repeal provisions stating that surrogate parenthood contracts are void and unenforceable
LB88 Hunt Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to eligibility for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits
LB87 Hunt Indefinitely postponed Allow persons eighteen years of age to make health care decisions and persons under nineteen years of age in correctional facilities to consent to medical and mental health care
LB86 Hunt Withdrawn Require public works contractors to pay the state minimum wage
LB85 Day Indefinitely postponed Provide for express lane eligibility under the Medical Assistance Act and the Children's Health Insurance Program
LB84 Day Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
LB83 DeBoer Passed Adopt the Uniform Community Property Disposition at Death Act and change provisions relating to court jurisdiction
LB82 DeBoer Indefinitely postponed Provide reporting duties for Department of Correctional Services, require development of strategic plan, and eliminate obsolete provisions relating to a working group
LB81 Aguilar Indefinitely postponed Change number of county judges in Buffalo and Hall counties
LB80 Aguilar Indefinitely postponed State intent regarding appropriations to the Department of Veterans' Affairs
LB79 Erdman Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska EPIC Option Consumption Tax Act
LB78 Day Passed Redefine massage therapy under the Massage Therapy Practice Act
LB77 Brewer Passed Provide for carrying of concealed handguns without a permit, change provisions relating to concealed weapons, and prohibit certain regulation of weapons by cities, villages, and counties
LB76 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Provide access to certain information relating to probationers, juveniles, and parolees to law enforcement agencies
LB75 Vargas Indefinitely postponed Provide for review of incidents of severe maternal morbidity
LB74 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change sales tax provisions relating to purchasing agents
LB73 Aguilar Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to authorized uses for a County Visitors Improvement Fund
LB72 Aguilar Indefinitely postponed Redefine the term gross proceeds for purposes of the Nebraska County and City Lottery Act
LB71 Sanders Passed Change provisions relating to early childhood education, parental involvement in and access to learning materials in schools, and the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act and provide a process for repeating a grade upon request
LB70 Cavanaugh, M. Indefinitely postponed Eliminate the fee for certain state identification cards and certified copies of birth certificates for voting purposes
LB69 Jacobson Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for life insurance policies
LB68 Slama Indefinitely postponed Increase limits on medical malpractice liability and change provisions of the Nebraska Hospital-Medical Liability Act
LB67 Slama Indefinitely postponed Provide a duty for the State Treasurer regarding deposits of public funds
LB66 Slama Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the regulation and operation of all-terrain vehicles and utility-type vehicles
LB65 Day Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the complaint tracking system and disciplinary action under the Child Care Licensing Act
LB64 Day Indefinitely postponed Require the Department of Health and Human Services to provide notice in certain cases of child abuse and neglect
LB63 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Require withholding of distributions to telecommunications companies from the Nebraska Telecommunications Universal Service Fund
LB62 Cavanaugh, M. Passed Provide for coverage of translation and interpretation services under the medical assistance program, change reporting requirements related to the medical assistance program, and require a report regarding to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program
LB61 Brandt Passed Change provisions relating to regulation of dark fiber
LB60 Cavanaugh, J. Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to room confinement of juveniles and required reports
LB59 Cavanaugh, J. Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to limitations for a postconviction relief action
LB58 Cavanaugh, J. Indefinitely postponed Provide a sales and use tax exemption for diapers
LB57 Cavanaugh, M. Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Act
LB56 McKinney Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Diaper Changing Accommodation Act
LB55 McKinney Withdrawn Change provisions relating to self-sufficiency contracts and work activity requirements under the Welfare Reform Act
LB54 McKinney Indefinitely postponed Require the office of Legislative Research to prepare racial impact statements for legislative bills
LB53 McKinney Indefinitely postponed Create El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, Malcolm X Day and establish a holiday
LB52 Lippincott Passed Eliminate a limitation on the amount of tuition credits available to Nebraska National Guard members
LB51 DeKay Passed Change provisions relating to the use of the state's telecommunications system
LB50 Wayne Passed Change provisions relating to the administration of justice
LB49 Dungan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to solar energy and wind energy, declare certain instruments void and unenforceable, and provide for a civil cause of action
LB48 Dorn Indefinitely postponed Appropriate money to the State Department of Education for educational service units
LB47 Dorn Indefinitely postponed Change notice requirements under the Open Meetings Act for certain fire districts
LB46 Dorn Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services for a provider rate study
LB45 Dorn Indefinitely postponed Create the Revitalize Rural Nebraska Grant Program
LB44 Dungan Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Compact
LB43 Sanders Passed Adopt the First Freedom Act and the Personal Privacy Protection Act, authorize tribal regalia to be worn by students, change provisions relating to withholding records from the public, provide requirements for interpretation of statutes, rules, and regulations, and prohibit state agencies from imposing certain requirements on charitable organizations
LB42 Hansen, B. Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to child abuse and neglect under the Child Protection and Family Safety Act and the Nebraska Juvenile Code
LB41 Hansen, B. Indefinitely postponed Prohibit state agencies from imposing annual filing and reporting requirements on charitable organizations
LB40 Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Riparian and Water Quality Practices Act
LB39 Blood Indefinitely postponed Require disability impact statements for certain legislation
LB38 Blood Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax adjustment relating to federal retirement annuities
LB37 Dungan Indefinitely postponed Change motor vehicle identification inspection requirements
LB36 DeBoer Indefinitely postponed Change individual income tax brackets and rates
LB35 DeBoer Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to child care assistance
LB34 Dungan Indefinitely postponed Provide for a presumption of disposition under the Nebraska Juvenile Code for crimes committed by defendants under eighteen years of age and change the definition of juvenile under the code
LB33 Jacobson Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the powers of mayors in certain cities and eliminate obsolete 2020 redistricting provisions
LB32 Jacobson Indefinitely postponed Change requirements for issuers of medicare supplement insurance policies or certificates relating to coverage of individuals under sixty-five years of age who are eligible for medicare by reason of disability or end-stage renal disease
LB31 Jacobson Indefinitely postponed Require train crews of at least two individuals as prescribed
LB30 Dungan Indefinitely postponed Provide for answers of no contest in adjudication hearings under the Nebraska Juvenile Code
LB29 Erdman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the assessment of real property that suffers significant property damage
LB28 Erdman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to decisions on appeals under the Tax Equalization and Review Commission Act
LB27 Dungan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to appointment of counsel for defendants
LB26 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Rural Municipal Broadband Access Act
LB25 Wayne Governor Veto Allow claims involving child abuse or sexual assault of a child under the Political Subdivisions Tort Claims Act
LB24 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Change tax provisions relating to cigars, cheroots, and stogies
LB23 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to interventions in paternity proceedings
LB22 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Decriminalize use and possession of marijuana
LB21 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the city council of a city of the metropolitan class
LB20 Wayne Delivered to Governor Provide for restoration of voting rights upon completion of a felony sentence or probation for a felony
LB19 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Change dollar amount thresholds for criminal penalty classifications
LB18 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Provide for motions for new trial based on newly discovered evidence
LB17 Dungan Indefinitely postponed Authorize possession of a firearm on school grounds by a full-time, off-duty law enforcement officer
LB16 Conrad Passed Require occupational boards to issue certain credentials based on credentials or work experience in another jurisdiction, provide and change requirements regarding applicants with a criminal conviction, provide for jurisprudential examinations and appeals, change requirements for membership of the State Electrical Board, and adopt the Interior Design Voluntary Registration Act
LB15 Lippincott Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Wage and Hour Act
LB14 Dungan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions under the Young Adult Bridge to Independence Act
LB13 Blood Indefinitely postponed Require coverage of human breast milk under the Medical Assistance Act
LB12 Blood Indefinitely postponed Create the Nebraska Human Breast Milk Bank
LB11 Blood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to domestic abuse protection orders
LB10 Blood Indefinitely postponed Change motor vehicle and property tax exemptions for disabled veterans
LB9 Blood Indefinitely postponed Change independent expenditure reporting requirements and require electioneering reporting
LB8 Blood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Mobile Home Landlord and Tenant Act and provide for certificates of title and liens for abandoned mobile homes
LB7 Blood Indefinitely postponed Provide a statute of limitations for exposure to hazardous or toxic chemicals
LB6 Blood Indefinitely postponed Prohibit conditional use permits and zoning exceptions for delinquent property taxpayers
LB5 Blood Indefinitely postponed Provide for compensability under Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Act for mental injuries resulting from workplace violence
LB4 Sanders Indefinitely postponed Change homestead exemption provisions relating to qualifications, application requirements, and penalties
LB3 Sanders Indefinitely postponed Change provisions for tax levies for bonds issued by political subdivisions
LB2 Sanders Indefinitely postponed Create the Commission on Asian American Affairs
LB1 Executive Board: Aguilar, Chairperson Passed Eliminate obsolete provisions relating to funds that have terminated